MICROCAPITAL STORY: AMFOT and CAMFA Announce Microfinance Conference in Tajikistan



The Association of Micro Finance Organizations of Tajikistan (AMFOT) and the Central Asia Micro Finance Alliance (CAMFA) have announced its fifth annual regional conference to be held in Dushanbe,Tajikistan. The conference will be conducted simultaneously in Russian and English. Participants are expected from government, banks and microfinance institutions (MFIs), international institutes, support funds, rating agencies and international investors that specialize in financing banks and non-bank microfinance programs.

A pre-conference workshop on Social Performance Management will be conducted on September 19, 2007. The main conference includes both standard lecture, as well as working sessions designed to provide open dialogue between participants. The event will also boast an “Investor’s Fair” with a number of international investors and donors.

AMFOT is a non-profit organization that brings together microfinance-focused organizations and other groups interested in development of microfinance in Tajikistan. AMFOT provides services in knowledge management, policy advocacy, research and development, institutional start-up and transformation, financial services and technical services to participating organizations. AMFOT started activities in 2000 and is headquartered in Dushanbe, Tajikistan.

CAMFA is the continuation of an ACDI/VOCA credit project. It was created to address the demand for financial services and products in the Central Asia region by establishing and supporting local financial institutions and to help them become effective and self-sustaining. ACDI/VOCA is a private, nonprofit organization that promotes economic growth and the development by adding value to local enterprise. ACDI/VOCA works in the following areas: agribusiness systems, enterprise development, financial services and community development.

The conference registration fee is USD 100. To view the official conference invitation, visit http://www.cagateway.org/downloads/invitation_letter_to_participants_eng.pdf.

To register for the AMFOT/CAMFA hosted conference, please request an electronic registration form from amfot_conference@mail.ru or, for additional information, contact Ms. Mukarama Davlyatova, the AMFOT Regional Coordinator, at amfot_conference@mail.ru.

-Steven Craig

Additional Resources:

Mix Market: http://www.mixmarket.org/en/partners/partners.show.profile.asp?ett=2026

ACDI/VOCA, CAMFA: http://www.acdivoca.org/acdivoca/portalhub.nsf/id/home?OpenDocument

ACDI/VOCA: http://www.acdivoca.org/

Central Asian Gateway: http://www.cagateway.org/downloads/invitation_letter_to_participants_eng.pdf

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