MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Microinsurance Network to Screen India Film “Sab Tujhse Hai” (“Everything Depends on You,”) Encourages Others to Host Events Through June as Part of “Microinsurance Awareness Season”

On Monday, March 12, the Microinsurance Network, a Luxembourg-based organization that aims to promote the development of microinsurance for low-income populations, is hosting is a screening and discussion of the film “Sab Tujhse Hai” (Everything Depends on You), a Bollywood film that promotes the benefits of microfinance in rural India. The screening was organized alongside Appui au Dévelopmmement Autonome, a Luxembourg-based non-governmental organization that specializes in microfinance; the Chambre de Commerce of Luxembourg; and the Association des Compagnies d’Assurances, an organization that aims to develop Luxembourg insurance companies. The screening will take place at CarréRotondes in Luxembourg Ville from 18:45 to 22:00. Entrance is free with registration.

The film is part of the Microinsurance Network’s Microinsurance Awareness Season, a three-month period from March to June 2012. The network encourages individuals and organizations to take part in this season by hosting an awareness-raising event. Events can be anything from going for a coffee to organizing a concert. The network encourages people to get together with friends, colleagues, neighbors or classmates to discuss microinsurance and the role it plays in developing countries. Those who host an event are encouraged to take pictures and submit them to the Microinsurance Network for possible online publication.

The Microinsurance Network was established in 2002 and reports 52 member organizations as of 2011.

By Charlotte Newman, Research Associate

About Microinsurance Network
Originally established in 2002 as the CGAP (Consultative Group to Assist the Poor) Working Group on Microinsurance, the Microinsurance Network was spun off as an independent organization in 2009. Based in Luxembourg, the membership organization aims to promote the development of insurance products for low-income populations by providing a platform for information sharing and stakeholder coordination. As of 2011, it reports 52 member organizations.

Sources and Additional Resources:

Microinsurance Network: “Microinsurance Awareness Season,” http://www.microinsurancenetwork.org/file/MIN_Microinsurance_Awareness_Season.pdf?PHPSESSID=7e96e04c7f8ac238389d1d54f404529e

ABBL: “Microinsurance Film and Discussion,” http://www.abbl.lu/node/44537

MicroCapital.org story, February 14, 2012, “MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Microinsurance Network Opens Membership Registration for 2012,” https://www.microcapital.org/microcapital-brief-microinsurance-network-opens-membership-registration-for-2012/

MicroCapital.org story, October 7, 2011, “SPECIAL FEATURE: Munich Re Foundation, Microinsurance Network Interview Howard Bolnick, Chair of International Actuarial Association Working Group on Microinsurance,” https://www.microcapital.org/special-feature-munich-re-foundation-microinsurance-network-interview-howard-bolnick-chair-of-international-actuarial-association-working-group-on-microinsurance/

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