MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: UK’s The Guardian Launches Fifth Annual International Development Journalism Competition 2012 Covering Themes Including Financial inclusion, Economic Security

For the fifth consecutive year, UK newspaper The Guardian has launched an international development journalism competition aiming to highlight issues that challenge the developing world but are underrepresented in the media. UK citizens are invited to submit and essay of 650 to 1,000 words on an aspect of global poverty, addressing questions such as “How can financial inclusion improve the lives of the poor?” and “What steps need to be taken to end extreme poverty and reach economic security?”. There are 16 themes in total that can be found at http://www.guardian.co.uk/journalismcompetition. The deadline for submissions is May 3, 2012.

By Amira Berrada, Research Associate

Sources and Resources:

[1] The Guardian “International Development Journalism Competition” http://www.guardian.co.uk/journalismcompetition

Browse the MicroCapital Universe and add your entry to the wiki at: https://www.microcapital.org/microfinanceuniverse/


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Amira joined MicroCapital while working at Export Development Canada (EDC) as a Credit Insurance Underwriter. Amira holds a Bachelor degree in International Business and Finance from Concordia University in Montreal. While completing her bachelor degree, Amira spent a semester in France and upon graduation, three months in India working with non-governmental agencies, political and spiritual groups for various socioeconomic initiatives such as the advancement of women. While travelling to different cities and rural areas in India, Amira was touched by the poverty she witnessed and was dedicated to finding a way to intertwine her business interests with her passion for development. She hopes this internship in microfinance will provide the framework to integrate an element of development into her professional career as well as positively contribute to the field of microfinance. Amira speaks English, French, and Spanish fluently and has conversational knowledge in Portuguese and Arabic. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, trying new restaurants such as molecular gastronomy, restaurants made out of ice and Nicaraguan meals wrapped in banana leaves. Most of all, she loves to travel with loved ones.