MICROFINANCE EVENT: Overseas Private Investment Corporation’s (OPIC) Middle East Conference to Include Microfinance



The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), a self-funded US government agency with 2006 total assets of USD 6.3 million promoting economic development and US investment in overseas markets since 1971, will hold a conference “to highlight investment opportunities in the [Middle East], encourage the formation of joint ventures and partnerships between US and local businesses, and facilitate support for new investments,” according to the conference web site. The first day of the two-day conference will include a session entitled “Access to Capital: Microfinancing to SMEs,” which will consist of presentations from managers of Middle Eastern microfinance institutions (MFIs). In attendance will be investment experts, US firms investing in the Middle East, US government officials, and financial institutions operating in the region. Countries to be featured in the conference include Afghanistan, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, the West Bank and Gaza, and Yemen.

As stated in the conference agenda, contributing to the microfinance session will be Mrs. Amani Ali, the Business Development Manager for Dakahlya Businessmen’s Association for Community Development (DBACD), and Mr. Mohammad Mustafa, the CEO of the Palestine Investment Fund (PIF). Other invitees for contribution include Ms. Arije Al Amad, the General Manager of the Microfund for Women (MFW), and Mr. Mustafa Kazem, the Director General of Afghan Growth Finance (AFG). Mr. Javed Hamid, the Senior Managing Director of Financial Services for the International Executive Service Corps (IESC), will moderate the session.

The conference is supported by the American Business Forum in Turkey (ABFT), the Banker’s Association for Finance and Trade (BAFT), the Business Council for International Understanding (BCIU), the International Economic Development Council (IEDC), the International Executive Service Corps (IESC), the International Union for Housing Finance (IUHF), and the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB).

The conference will open at 9 AM on Tuesday, May 6th by the President and CEO of the OPIC, The Honorable Mr. Robert Mosbacher, Jr., and His Excellency, Jordanian Prime Minister Nader Dahabi, has been invited to join the opening session. Check-in begins at 3 PM on Monday, May 5th and the closing reception will take place from 7 to 9 PM on Wednesday, May 7th. Registration is online and registrants can pay by credit card or wire transfer. Fees for US participants are USD 450, and for local participants USD 250.

“Access to Opportunity in the Middle East” is organized by MFM Trade Meetings, a Miami-based firm providing comprehensive conference planning services for various private and government clients since 1997.

For more information, Chris Schaffer or Dan Lamey can be contacted by e-mail at opic@trademeetings.com or by phone at +1.305.667.4705 and +1.866.636.4729 (toll free in the US and canada).

By Anthony Busch, Research Assistant

Additional Resources:

MFM Trade Meetings: Home, Conference, Agenda, Registration Fees, Registration

Overseas Private Investment Corporation: Home, Annual Report, About

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