MICROCAPITAL EVENT: 2008 African Development Bank Annual Meeting

The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the African Development Bank (ADB) and the 34th Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the The African Development Fund (ADF)  will be held on May 14-15 at the Joaquim Chissano International Conference Center in Maputo, Mozambique. The meetings will focus on the following theme: “Fostering Shared Growth: Urbanization, Inequality, and Poverty”.

The annual meetings will be preceded by technical meetings to be held May 11-13. These seminars will cover a range of issues including rural and urban development, and the problems of inequality, and poverty in Africa.

African Development Bank (ADB) was established in 1964 as a regional multilateral development bank to support economic and social development in the African region through loans, equity investments and technical assistance. Based out of Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, its shareholders include 53 African countries and 24 non-African countries from Asia, Europe, North America and Latin America.

The African Development Fund (ADF)  was established in 1972 to reduce poverty in Regional Member Countries (RMC) of the African Development Bank (ADB) by providing loans and grants to be used towards development projects, and technical assistance in the form of education and training. The Fund’s resources are contributed by members of the ADB on a three-year basis with a replenishment level of USD 5.5 billion.

Registration is by invitation only.

For inquiries before May 6, 2008, contact:

The Office of the Secretary-General

African Development Bank

BP 323

1002 Tunis Belvedere, Tunisia

Fax: +216 71 83 34 14/71 10 37 51

Telephone: +216 71 10 28 05

Email: annualmeetings@afdb.org

For inquiries after May 6, 2008, contact:

Secretariat of the Annual Meetings of the African Development Bank

Joaquim Chissano International Conference Center

Avenue da Marguinal, 41, Maputo, Mozambique

Fax: +258 21 48 70 27

Telephone: +258 21 48 63 95

Email: annualmeetings@afdb.org                                

For more information click here.

By Melissa Duscha

Additional Resources:

African Development Bank (ADB)

The African Development Fund (ADF)

The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the African Development Bank and the 34th Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the African Development Fund Information Bulletin

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