MICROCAPITAL EVENT: The School of Applied Microfinance (SAM) in Kenya to Hold Annual Training Program Designed for Managers and Consultants of Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) in Africa, the Middle East, and the Indian Sub-continent

Practical Skills and Tools for Microfinance Managers & Consultants

September 8-19, 2008, Sarova Whitesands Beach Resort & Spa, Mombasa, Kenya

Incorporated in Nairobi, Kenya, the School of Applied Microfinance (SAM) will hold its annual two-week training program in September, which will focus on capacity building for employees and partners of microfinance institutions (MFIs) located in Africa, the Middle East, and the Indian Sub-continent. The curriculum will include daily plenary presentations on macro issues such as e-banking’s effect on microfinance and the ongoing commercialization of the sector. Each day, the plenary presentations will be followed by two technical training sessions chosen by the participants from a list of 14 topics. The technical training sessions, which are all still open according to SAM’s web site, will include subjects such as Process Mapping, Product Costing, Customer Service, and Corporate Branding & Identity. Each session is one week in duration and participants can choose no more than four. Finally, participants will make presentations and hold discussions on case studies from their own MFIs in the evenings.

SAM held its first training program in 2005 and its faculty includes 14 members with experience at organizations such as Equity Bank of Kenya, MicroSave, and Women’s World Banking (WWB), among others. Certified trainers at the program will teach both the MicroSave and Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) toolkits.

Those interested in attending may apply online or by downloading the application and course selection forms and turning them in by e-mail or by fax at +254 (020) 375-4715. The deadline is July 31st, 2008 and the course costs USD 4,500 which includes tuition, food, and board at the Sarova Whitesands Beach Resort & Spa, but not travel expenses. Payment is conducted by wire transfer and the necessary details can be found here. The brochure for the 2008 course can be found here.

Prospective attendees may apply for a scholarship through the MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program. The application is found here and the scholarship deadline is July 15th, 2008.

Based in Toronto, The MasterCard Foundation (MCF) is a private charitable foundation—founded in May 2006 through the provision of 13 million shares during MasterCard Worldwide’s initial public offering (IPO)—which makes grants in the areas of microfinance and youth education with the aim of providing better access for all, to the global economy. According to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) the MCF reported 2006 total assets of CAD 1.2 billion, or USD 1 billion. MicroCapital recently reported on the MCF here.

SAM may be contacted by e-mail at info@samtraining.org or by phone at +254 (020) 375-4714.

By Anthony Busch, Research Assistant

Additional Resources:

Canada Revenue Agency: Home, 2006 Registered Charity Information Return for MASTERCARD FOUNDATION

Consultative Group to Assist the Poor: Home

Equity Bank: Home

The MasterCard Foundation: Home, Background

MasterCard Worldwide: Home

MicroCapital article, June 2, 2008: “Toronto’s MasterCard Foundation Grants $604,473 to Six Global Microfinance Training Institutes”

MicroSave: Home

OANDA: FXConverter

Sarova Whitesands Beach Resort & Spa: Home

School of Applied Microfinance: Home, Curriculum, Process Mapping, Product Costing, Customer Service, Corporate Branding & Identity, SAM 2007 Scrapbook, Faculty, Online Application, Application Form, Course Selection Form, Course Registration, Practical Skills and Tools for Microfinance Managers & Consultants, MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program, Scholarship Application Form

Women’s World Banking: Home

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