MICROCAPITAL EVENT: Mobile Money Transfer (MMT) Africa Conference and Expo to be held in Johannesburg, Africa on May 5th and 6th 2009

Mobile Money Transfer Africa Expo and Conference

May 5-6, 2009, Johannesburg, Africa

The Mobile Money Transfer (MMT) Africa conference and expo will be held in Johannesburg, Africa on the 5th and 6th of May, 2009. The event is sponsored by Bharti Telesoft, a solution provider for mobile operators in emerging markets in association with the Nairobi based financial software solutions company CraftSilicon and the mobile application provider Obopay. The two day MMT Conference and Expo which will take place at the Emperor’s Palace hotel in Johannesburg and will serve as an independent meeting place for all participants in the mobile money transfer community including mobile network operators, banks, regulators, technology developers, government and non-government organizations (NGOs). The event website is available here.

The agenda for the event includes keynote presentations and roundtable discussions on topics pertaining to the MMT field. Some of the topics which will be featured at the event are as follows:

  • The value of the MMT opportunity now and in the next five years
  • The rollout of the MMT service in East Africa by the African mobile operator, Zain.
  • The impact of the mobile service M-PESA in transforming the lives of Kenyans.
  • The MMT opportunity for mobile network operators (MNO) and mobile virtual network operators (MVNO)
  • The MMT opportunity for banks
  • Innovative partnerships to maximize access to financial services at the microentrepreneur level
  • Money transfer as the first step toward a broader suite of mobile financial services
  • The partnership between Orange and BNP Paribas to develop Orange Money, a mobile payment program for emerging countries
  • The business case for a collaborative multi-operator and multi-bank mobile money processing network
  • Mobile Money for Everyone – challenges of launching a comprehensive mobile money solution globally
  • The role of “hubs” in processing cross-border remittances
  • Making mobile money work from urban environments to areas with low literacy
  • Getting cash in and out of the system

An optional pre-conference event called Mobile Money Academy will be held on May 4, 2009. This will feature three courses focused on the challenges in MMT project management. For a detailed description of each course, please click here. MMT will also conduct 3 post-conference courses scheduled for May 7, 2009. For a description of these 2 hour long courses, please click here.

The exhaustive list of speakers for the event can be found here.

The pricing information for the event is as follows:

For bookings before March 27, 2009:

Gold Pass (Conference + pre- & post-event academy courses) – USD 2799
Silver Pass A – (Conference + pre-event academy course) – USD 2199
Silver Pass B – (Conference + post-event academy course) – USD 2199
Bronze Pass – (Conference only) – USD 1599

For bookings after March 28, 2009:

Gold Pass (Conference + pre- & post-event academy courses) – USD 2899
Silver Pass A – (Conference + pre-event academy course) – USD 2299
Silver Pass B – (Conference + post-event academy course) – USD 2299
Bronze Pass – (Conference only) – USD 1699

Discounts are offered for group booking. For queries on pricing, or if you would like to discuss attending the event, please contact: Paul Nickeas, Delegate Sales Manager at paul.nickeas@clarionevents.com or + 44 (0) 20 7067 1835. To register online for the event, please click here.

To become an event sponsor, please download the sponsorship prospectus by submitting a request at this link.

For all press and media enquiries, or to propose a media partnership, please contact Harpreet Sohanpal: harpreet.sohanpal@clarionevents.com

All other general enquiries can be directed to mmtafrica@clarionevents.com or +44 (0) 20 7067 1831.

By Bharathi Ram, Research Assistant

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