PRESS RELEASE: Luxembourg: New Independent Company INNPACT Offers Specialized Consulting of Microfinance Investment Vehicles and Other Sustainable Businesses

Source: Innpact

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LUXEMBOURG, April 15 – Patrick Goodman and Arnaud Gillin are pleased to announce the creation of Innpact Sàrl, a new player within the responsible finance industry. Innpact offers specialised consulting services in the establishment of microfinance investment vehicles (MIVs) but also in other sustainable development businesses such as social finance, renewable energy or energy efficiency.  The new company results from the management buy-out of Symbiotics’ Luxembourg based consulting arm, allowing both teams to better focus on their core activities.

Innpact assists fund promoters in the whole process of the establishment of investment vehicles*, from the concept design (investment strategy, structure design, term sheet preparation) to the actual inception of the investment vehicles (business plan, selection of service providers, legal documentation and registration with supervisory authorities). Innpact also assists and supports investment funds in governance, corporate and administrative matters.

Patrick Goodman and Arnaud Gillin benefit from a wide experience with investment funds and a deep knowledge of the microfinance industry. During the successful two year collaboration with Symbiotics, they have consulted on important microfinance industry projects such as MIFA (Microfinance Initiative for Asia), REGMIFA (Regional MSME Investment Fund for Sub-Saharan Africa) and the MEF (Microfinance Enhancement Facility).

Innpact will pursue its existing mandates and will develop additional projects as it continues to grow. Innpact is pleased to announce the recent addition of a new senior consultant, Moya Connelly, who joins the team from Washington and who also has extensive experience in microfinance and with MIVs.

For more information, please contact:  

Innpact Sàrl
7 route d’Esch
1470 Luxembourg
Tel + 352 27 02 93 1


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