MICROFINANCE EVENT: Second Annual Microfinance Investment Summit, October 6-7, 2009, London, United Kingdom, Sponsored by Incofin

Microfinance Event: Second Annual Microfinance Investment Summit, October 6-7, 2009, London United Kingdom, Sponsored by Incofin

Second Annual Microfinance Investment Summit, October 6-7, 2009, London, United Kingdom, Sponsored by Incofin

See Our Comprehensive Event Calendar Here: http://microfinanceassociation.ning.com/events

Cost: MFIs: GBP 1099 (USD1,668 dollars approximately); MIVs, and Fund Managers: GBP 1199 (USD1,820 dollars approximately);Other attendees: GBP 1399 (USD 2,124 dollars approximately); Each workshop is an additional: GBP 399 (USD 606 dollars approximately)

Note: 15 percent VAT will be added to the fees mentioned above. Special discounts are available for group bookings and registered non-profit organizations.

Summary of Event: The event aims to unite a wide variety of microfinance stakeholders, from institutional and private investors, the donor community, MFIs to industry experts. They will come together to discuss debate and learn from one another about critical issues towards ensuring the industry’s survival in these challenging times.  This year there are also three pre-conference workshops on 5th October:

A) Solutions for Hedging against FX Risk
B) Microfinance and the Law: An Exclusive Discussion Forum for Lawyers and Microfinance Practitioners
C) Essential Checklist for Setting up, Distributing and Managing a Microfinance Fund

Background on the Sponsor: Located in Belgium, Incofin provides made-to-measure financial solutions that meet your specific objectives. Incofin offers a broad range of products and funds: Incofin, Impulse Microfinance Investment Fund, Rural Impulse Fund, and VDK MFI Loan Portfolio.

Key Event Themes:
Based on an agenda developed entirely on direct feedback from the market, the conference will also highlight strategies for more sustainable long terms growth beyond the liquidity squeeze.  Guest speakers include:

·       Jean-Pierre Klump, CEO, Blue Orchard Finance SA

·       André Laude, Chief Investment Officer , IFC

·       Arnaud Poisonnier, Chairman, Babyloan

·       Braco Erceg, Financial Controller, Mikrofin

·       Christian Speckhardt, Chief Investment Officer, responsAbility Social Investment Services AG

·       Craig  Churchill, Social Finance Programme, Internaltional Labour Organisation

·       Damian Von Stauffenberg, Founder and Principal, Microrate

·       David Fitzherbert, Managing Partner, Grassroots Capital Advisors

·       Emmanuel de Lutzel, Head of Microfinance, BNP Paribas

·       Emmanuelle  Javoy, Managing Director, Planet Rating

·       Gabriel Solorzano, Chairman of the Board, BANEX

·       Geert Peetermans, Chief Investment Officer, Incofin

·       Maria Largey, Director Philanthropy, Opportunity International

·       Micol  Guarneri, Social Rating Director,  MicroFinanza Rating

·       Monica Brand, Principal Director, Frontier Investments

·       Paul Blyth, CFO, Microplace.com

·       Peter. H  Johnson, Partner, Developing World Markets

·       Philip Goodeve, CFO, FINCA International

·       Philippe Rives, Chairman, Planet Guarantee

·       Richard Wilcox, Head of Structured & Asset Finance, The Co-Operative Bank

·       Roland Dominicé, Executive Director, Symbiotics Consulting & Services

·       Scott J. Budde , Managing Director – Global Social & Community Investing , TIAA-CREF

·       Vijay Athreye, Vice President Rural Social and Micro insurance, TATA AIG Life Insurance Company

·       Xavier Reille, Lead Microfinance Specialist, CGAP

·       Cécile Lapenu, Executive Director, CERISE

·       Elizabeth Marinelli, Head of Department for Financial Institutions and Funds, Norfund

·       Camilla  Nestor, Vice President, Microfinance, Grammen Foundation USA

·       April  Rinne, Legal and Strategic Consultant, Microfinance and Social Enterprises

·       Arman Vardanyan, Fund manager, Absolute Portfolio Management

·       Art Avedisian, President, Cygma

·       Aude Flogny Catrisse, Head of Financial & Private Sector Division, Agence Francaise de Development

·       Chandra Shekhar Ghosh, Founder and CEO, Bandhan

·       Christian  Ruehmer, Founder, Perfect Point Partners

·       Christopher Bernard, Partner, Allen & Overy

·       Efrain Camacho, Former regulator, microfinance sector

·       Frances  Sinha, Director, EDA Rural Systems

·       Jan Van Roekel, Senior Portfolio Manager, Private Equity, APG Asset Management

·       Kurt Koeningfest, CEO, Banco Sol

·       Levan  Lebanidze , General Director, Constanta Foundation

·       Mathias Katamba, CEO, Uganda Finance Trust

·       Mohammed Azim Hossain, Director of Finance, ASA

·       Monica Beck, Division Chief, Private & financial Sector Developement , Europe, KFW

·       Oksana Pak, Porgramme Leader, European Bank for Reconstruction & Development

·       Patrick Gooman, Partner, InnPact Sari

·       Prashant  Thakker, Global Head of Microfinance, Standard Chartered Bank

·       Sadina Bina, CEO, EKI

·       Sanjay Sinha, Managing Director, M-Cril

·       Tur-od Nomunkhan, Deputy CEO, XacBank

Conference Co-Chairs

·        Robert Annibale, Global Director, Microfinance, CitiGroup

·        Jack Lowe, Chairman and Founding Partner, Avenir Global Investments


Who Is Invited to Attend: MFIs, Institutional investors including pensions funds and insurance funds, socially responsible investors, equity investment funds and venture capitalists, investment banks, hedge funds, investment and asset management, microfinance networks, consultant, accountants, and legal advisors
Important Dates: Event Starts: October 6, 2009 Event Ends: October 7, 2009.




To Register Please Visit: http://www.c5-online.com/microfinance.htm

Submit Your Event: http://microfinanceassociation.ning.com/events

Event Type: Summit/Conference
Event Starts: October 6, 2009
Event Ends: October 7, 2009
Location: London, United Kingdom

Contact information: For more information visit the conference microsite www.MicrofinanceSummit.com or contact:


Jon Muir, Marketing Manager

e: j.muir@c5-online.com

t: +44(0)20 7878 6929

f: +44(0)20 7878 6896


C5 International
Albert House
First Floor
1-4 Singer Street
Email: enquiries@c5-online.com
Phone: +44 (0) 20 7878 6886
Organized By: C5 International “Business Information in a Global Context”



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