Opportunity International Australia Lures Top Investment Manager for Work in Microfinance

Money Manager Chris Cuffe has gone from “riches to rags,” so to speak, leaving his post as Chief Executive of Challenger Financial Services Group’s Wealth Management business to become the Investment Services Director for Opportunity International Australia. Cuffe is best known in the investment world for his leadership of Colonial First State. Just a small start-up when he was brought on board, Cuffe left the company in 2003 after turning it into one of Australia’s leading fund managers with assets of more than $5 billion.

Opportunity International has been on the microfinance scene for over 35 years. The organization provides both funding for microfinance institutions and various training and support services for small businesses in developing countries. Worldwide, Opportunity International has 41 partner MFIs. Mr. Cuffe’s new role will involve managing the microfinance investments of the organization in Asia and Africa.

The addition of Mr. Cuffe’s business acumen to the microfinance world is a welcome part of a growing trend in the industry. As the pool of talented management in microfinance increases, so too will the pool of investment capital.

Additional Resources

1) Cuffe Swaps Riches for Rags,” News.com.au, February 7, 2006
2) Opportunity International Australia
3) MicroCapital Blog: “Microfinance Invests in India’s Top Minds,” January 24, 2006
4) MicroCapital Blog: "Fremont Bank Makes $500,000 Investment in Opportunity International Loan Guarantee Fund," November 3, 2005
5) Opportunity International Network

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