MICROFINANCE EVENT: Central Bank of Brazil’s I Forum on Financial Inclusion

MICROFINANCE EVENT: The Central Bank of Brazil’s Financial System Organization Department Hosts The I Central Bank Forum on Financial Inclusion as Part of the Department’s Financial Inclusion Project; November 16-18, 2009 in Salvador, Brazil

Event Name: The I Central Bank Forum on Financial Inclusion

Event Description: Microfinance seminars centered around forging “joint partnerships” with the goal of a “sustainable and inclusive financial system”

See Our Comprehensive Event Calendar Here: http://microfinanceassociation.ning.com/events

Summary of Event: The 16th-17th will consist of workshops and lectures by experts on technical microfinance aspects. The 18th will provide opportunities for players in the microfinance sector to hold meetings with the intention of creating “partnerships and projects”

Background on Organizer: The Central Bank of Brazil was created in 1964 and is the principal monetary authority of the country of Brazil [1]. The Bank’s Financial System Organization Department launched the Financial Inclusion Project I with the goal of diagnosing the strengths and weaknesses of the microfinance sector in Brazil through facilitating stakeholder meetings and bringing financial system expertise to the microfinance sector. Eventually, this will lead to the creation of a Financial Inclusion Committee of the Central Bank whose purpose will be to define the role of the Central Bank in relation to financial inclusion and set an agenda to address issues in the microfinance sector [2,3].

Event Themes and Discussion Topics [3]:

November 16th and 17th: Articulating the Industry of Microfinance
• Responsible unit: Financial System Organization Department / Dinor
• Technical coordination: Elvira Cruvinel and Alessandra Dodl.
• Targeted audience: 200 people, representatives of the microfinance market, including speakers, and 50 servants from the Central Bank, including event teams and facilitators.
• Objective: Identification of problems (diagnosis) and proposals for solutions (joint partnerships).
• Methodology and programming: Working groups (workshops) on related topics.
• Main product: Strategic agenda for the microfinance industry.

November 18th: Social Currencies and Community Banks and Other Initiatives
• Responsible unit: Financial System Organization Department/ Dinor
• Technical coordination: Marusa Freire, Elvira Cruvinel and Alessandra Dodl
• Targeted audience: 100 people involved with the issues, and 50 servers of the Central Bank, including team events and facilitators.
• Purpose: limits and opportunities for social currency in Brazil.
• Methodology and programming: exposure of nacional and international authorities on the subject, and debates.
• Main product: report on limits and possibilities of social currencies in Brazil and purposeful agenda.

Who is Invited to Attend: The event is not open to the general public. Instead, stakeholders and Central Bank servers will attend on an invite-only basis.

About the Presenters: The event is being coordinated by Elvira Cruvinel Ferreira Ventura, the manager of the Financial Inclusion Project, and Alessandra von Borowski Dodl, the alternate manager of the Financial Inlcusion Project. Ventura received her Ph.D. from The Brazilian School for Public and Business Administration and has researched “social responsibility in organizations, formation and structure of organizational fields, regulation of the financial market and public administration” [4]. Alessandra von Borowski Dodl received her Master’s from the Federal University of Paraná [5]. Lectures will bee given by representatives from the following organizations:

• MIX, the microfinance information clearinghouse [6]
• Banco Compartamos, a microfinance bank based in Mexico City and associated with Accion     International [7]
• Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), a bank “[providing solutions to development challenges” [8]
• Consultive Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP), “an independent policy and research center dedicated to advancing financial access for the world’s poor” [9]
• Sebrae, a private entity that provides “service and support for micro and small enterprises” [10]

For Additional Information, please contact:

Elvira Cruvinel Ferreira Ventura
Telephone: (21) 21895673
Fax: (21) 21895230
Alessandra von Borowski Dodl
Telephone: (21) 21895080

Submit Your Event: http://microfinanceassociation.ning.com/events

Event Type: Forum
Event Starts: November 16th, 2009
Event Ends: Novemeber 18th, 2009
City: Salvador, Brazil
Website: www.bcb.gov.br
Phone: Elvira Cruvinel Ferreira Ventura: (21) 21895673
Alessandra von Borowski Dodl: (21) 21895080
Organized By: The Central Bank of Brazil’s Financial System Organization Department

By Chris Maggio, Research Assistant

[1] The Central Bank of Brazil: http://www.bcb.gov.br/?HISTORY
[2] Document entitled ‘Financial Inclusion Project,’ released by the Central Bank of Brazil: (Not available online)
[3] Document entitled ‘Financial Inclusion in Brazil: Strategic Project by the Central Bank,’ released by the Central Bank of Brazil: (Not available online)
[4] Paper entitled ‘Social Responsibility as Displacement of Capitalism: Evidences from Banks in Brazil,’ by Elvira Cruvinel Ferreira Ventura Marcelo Milano Falcao Vieira, published in the Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies, Vol. 12, No. 1 (2007): http://ejbo.jyu.fi/pdf/ejbo_vol12_no1_pages_35-47.pdf
[5] Alessandra von Borowski Dodl: http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.jsp?id=K4790630J2&t…
[6] The MIX Market: http://www.mixmarket.org/
[7] Banco Compartamos: http://www.accion.org/Page.aspx?pid=644
[8] Inter-American Development Bank: http://www.iadb.org/aboutus/
[9] Consultive Group to Assist the Poor: http://www.cgap.org/
[10] Sebrae: http://www.sebrae.com.br/customizado/sebrae/institucional/sebrae-in-engl…

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