MICROCAPITAL.ORG STORY: Members of Azerbaijan Microfinance Association (AMFA) Reach Microloan Portfolio of USD 393 Million

According to an article from the online publication, Azerbaijan Business Center, microfinance institutions (MFIs) that are members of the Azerbaijan Microfinance Association have reached a combined microloan portfolio of USD 393 million as of October 1, 2009 [1,2]. Additionally, the number of active borrowers has exceeded 274,600 [1].

The report was made up of 31 AMFA members across Azerbaijan [1]. The AMFA also calculated that of the total microloan portfolio, 3.32 percent qualify as “risky” [1]. AccessBank, a commercial bank in Azerbaijan focusing on Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs), was the leading member of AMFA with a microloan portfolio totaling over USD 141 million [1,3,4].

The Azerbaijan Microfinance Association started informally in the mid-1990s to help meet the economic requirements of internally displaced persons (IDPs) [2]. In 2001, ten NGOs met to formalize this alliance into what would officially become the AMFA [2]. It now utilizes “knowledge management, policy advocacy, and technical services” to “[advance] the interests of the micro finance community” in Azerbaijan [5]. The organization has three “Strategic Pillars” through which it works to achieve this [2]. The first is “Innovative Products and Services”. The AMFA works to develop innovate products and services to help their members meet the demands of their clients [2]. The next pillar is “Continuing Education,” to ensure access to microfinance expertise and also develop “local talent” [2]. Lastly, the AMFA strives for “Industry Expertise” through “leading edge market research and benchmarking studies” [2]. In September of 2008, Microcapital reported on the “Azerbaijan Microfinance Analysis and Benchmarking Trends Report” released by the AMFA and the MIX Market, the microfinance information clearinghouse [6,7].

AccessBank was founded in 2002 [3]. It is a fully licensed commercial bank and therefore lends to “physical persons as well as larger enterprises and international organizations” in addition to MSEs [3]. It offers not only loans but also savings and payment services [3]. According to the MIX Market, its gross loan portfolio stands at over USD 207.1 million and it has 69,448 active borrowers [4]. As of the end of 2008, AccessBank has a return on assets of 6.83 percent, a return on equity of 44.28 percent, and a debt to equity ratio of 4.82 [4]. Microcapital has reported on AccessBank at various times in 2009 including a USD 15 million investment it received from the International Finance Corporation (investment arm of the World Bank) and its BB+ credit rating from Fitch, both taking place in April of 2009 [8,9].

The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), the research arm of the Economist magazine, ranked Azerbaijan the forty-ninth best country in the world for microfinance in its 2009 Microscope index [10,11]. It was ranked forty-third in regulatory framework, thirty-eighth in investment climate, and fortieth in institutional development [10]. The report does not provide detailed information as to why these rankings were received. In 2008, the twenty-two MFIs from Azerbaijan that reported to the MIX Market had a combined loan portfolio of over USD 835.4 million and 346,812 active borrowers [12].

By Christopher Maggio, Research Assistant

[1]  Azerbaijan Business Center entitled: ‘Portfolio of Azerbaijan Microfinance Association on microloans totaled $393 million’: http://abc.az/eng/news/corporate/39783.html
[2] Azerbaijan Microfinance Association: http://amfa.az/sehife.php?lang=eng&page=08
[3] Access Bank: http://www.accessbank.az/en/index.html
[4] Access Bank on the MIX Market: http://www.mixmarket.org/mfi/accessbank
[5] Azerbaijan Microfinance Association on the MIX Market: http://www.mixmarket.org/networks/amfa
[6] MICROCAPITAL STORY: Microfinance Information Exchange (MIX) Releases Reports With Central American Microfinance Network REDCAMIF and Azerbaijan Micro-finance Association: https://www.microcapital.org/microcapital-story-microfinance-information-exchange-mix-releases-reports-with-central-american-microfinance-network-redcamif-and-azerbaijan-micro-finance-association/
[7] The MIX Market: http://www.mixmarket.org/
[8] MICROCAPITAL STORY: International Finance Corporation (IFC) Investing USD 15m in Azerbaijan’s AccessBank to Expand Microfinance Services: https://www.microcapital.org/microcapital-story-international-finance-corporation-ifc-investing-usd-15m-in-azerbaijan%E2%80%99s-accessbank-to-expand-microfinance-services/
[9] MICROCAPTIAL STORY: Fitch Ratings Confirms Long Term Rating of BB+ for AccessBank in Azerbaijan: https://www.microcapital.org/microcaptial-story-fitch-ratings-confirms-long-term-rating-of-bb-for-accessbank-in-azerbaijan/
[10] Economist Intelligence Unit Global microscope on the microfinance business environment: http://idbdocs.iadb.org/wsdocs/getdocument.aspx?docnum=2189221
[11] Economist Intelligence Unit: http://www.eiu.com/site_info.asp?info_name=about_eiu&entry1=about_eiuNav&page=noads
[12] Azerbaijan on the MIX Market: http://www.mixmarket.org/mfi/country/Azerbaijan/flatstore_mfi_mfdb_data.mix_diamonds__c%2Cbalance_sheet_usd.gross_loan_portfolio%2Cproducts_and_clients.total_borrowers/2008/

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