MICROFINANCE EVENT: MFTransparency Data Launch Calls 1 & 2

Event Title: MFTransparency Data Launch Call 1

Event Date:Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Event Time:10:00 PM – 11:30 PM EST (2:00 PM Sydney, 10:00 AM Jakarta and Dhaka, 8:30 AM New Delhi, 6:00 AM Nairobi)

Online Registration: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/835845168

Event Title: MFTransparency Data Launch Call 2

Event Date:Friday, November 20, 2009

Event Time:11:00 AM – 12:30 PM EST (7:00 PM Nairobi, 5:00 PM
Frankfurt, 2 PM Sao Paulo, 12 noon La Paz, 10 AM Mexico City)

Online Registration: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/602014793

Organized By: MFTransparency

Summary of Event: MFTransparency started publishing the true costs of microfinance loans in specific countries earlier this month. This webinar will focus on a discussion about interest rates in Bosnia, Cambodia and Peru. Some questions that will be discussed at the webinar are:
· How do banks and MFIs respond when asked to report their interest and fees publically in a common APR or EIR format?
· How do government policies affect the prices for loans in a country?
· Does the average price of loans increase as loan sizes get smaller, and how does the shape of the price curve differ in different countries?
· How much variation is there in price on loans of similar size, and how might transparency change prices over time?

Background on Organizer: MicroFinance Transparency is an international non-governmental organization founded in 2008 with the purpose of facilitating transparent markets through the dissemination of true cost information to all market stakeholders. MFTransparency represents an industry movement toward fair practices and responsibility. Based in the United States, the group has organized transparent pricing efforts in Bosnia, Peru, Cambodia, Azerbaijan, Kenya and Bangladesh. For more information please visit (www.mftransparency.org). Grameen Bank’s Dr. Mohammad Yunus and Elizabeth Littlefield, CEO of CGAP, as well as more than 200 industry professionals and organizations have committed to transparent pricing by endorsing MFTransparency and its initiative.

Additional Information: Please use the GoToMeeting to follow graphs of data and send questions during the webinar. Please register with GoToMeeting in advance and choose a time that will work best for you and click on the appropriate link to register as soon as possible, since places are limited.

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