MICROFINANCE EVENT: ICT4D (Information and Communications Technology for Development); April 30 – May 3, 2019; Kampala, Uganda

This event will focus on how technology can help meet the UN’s sustainable development goals. Although this year’s session titles have not yet been released, they will address topic areas such as Digital Financial Inclusion, Agriculture & Environment, Responsible Data & Information Security, and Supply Chain Management. This is the eleventh iteration of ICT4D (Information and Communications Technology for Development).

Background on Organizers: The lead organizer of ICT4D is the US-based NGO Catholic Relief Services (CRS). As of 2018, CRS reports serving 130 million people in 100 countries by “responding to major emergencies, fighting disease and poverty, and nurturing peaceful and just societies.” In 2017, CRS generated private and public support totaling USD 979 million.

Cost: The fee to attend is USD 1,000 for three days or USD 400 per day. Discounts are available to representatives of government, NGOs and universities, as well as all attendees from lower-income countries.

Event website: https://www.ict4dconference.org/

For more information, you may contact the organizers through the event’s web contact form. CRS may be reached at +1 410 951 7454 or info[at]crs.org.

Sources and Additional Resources

Event organizers’ contact form

Event partners

2018 ICT4D Agenda

Catholic Relief Services

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