MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Insights on Regulatory Developments in Russia’s Microfinance Sector

Robin Ratcliffe, Director of the SMART Campaign, reports on her observations from the Eighth National Conference on Microfinance hosted by the Russian Microfinance Center which brings together 400 microfinance players across the country as well as representatives from the Russian ministries. Ms. Ratcliffe notes that the Russian microfinance sector is about ten years old, currently reaches about 600,000 clients and is dominated by small business lending carried out by government development funds.  Also, credit cooperatives which have dominate microfinance activities of savings and lending in the rural areas, have been unregulated.  As a result, foreign investors have found it difficult to operate in Russia because management, governance, and accounting standards vary widely.  However, a state has passed new legislation that would establish standards to regulate credit cooperatives for the first time.

About SMART Campaign:
The SMART Campaign is a consumer protection intiative that is currently housed at the Center for Financial Inclusion with seed money from ACCION International.  The Campaign currently has over 700 endorsers comprised of microfinance institutions, networks and associations, and investors and donors worldwide.  The SMART Campaign website: http://www.centerforfinancialinclusion.org/Page.aspx?pid=1371
About Russian Microfinance Center:
Established in July 2002, the Russian Microfinance Center (RMC) is a trade association that advocates on behalf of the microfinance community. In addition, RMC serves as a resource center for Russia’s microfinance industry and a national forum for its interaction with the government and investors.  The goals of RMC are to promote an enabling legal environment for microfinance, offer training and professional consulting services to MFIs and promote national microfinance standards. RMC website: http://www.rmcenter.ru/en/about/

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