MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Kenya’s Small Entrepreneurs Loan Facility (SELF) Reports Having Distributed $15m to Microfinance Institutions for On-lending

With funding from the African Development Bank (ADB), the Tanzanian government’s Small Entrepreneurs Loan Facility (SELF) has distributed the equivalent of USD 15 million to 228 microfinance institutions, according to a recent article in Tanzania’s The Citizen newspaper. The Minster for Finance and Economic Affairs, at the sixth annual stakeholders meeting of the SELF project, reportedly said that the lending has benefited 250,000 people, many of these in rural areas, with repayment rates of 95 percent, which has been deemed ”acceptable.” The work to date was essentially a pilot covering six regions of the country, with plans to lend USD 130 million nationwide over an unspecified period of time beginning in 2010.

Sources and Resources

The Citizen article:

Kenyan Ministry of Finance:

African Development Bank (ADB):

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