The Grameen Foundation Receives $1.5 Million Grant from the Gates Foundation for Strategic Plan

The Gates Foundation has made an unrestricted grant to the Grameen Foundation as a show of support for the latter’s strategic plan. On June 1, 2006, MicroCapital reported on the Gates Foundation $1.46 million donation to nonprofit microfinance network Unitus. Earlier in March, it also reported on Bill Gates’ focus on microfinance investing. And in January, ACCION International received a $5.8 million grant from the Gates Foundation to develop partnerships with microfinance institutions in West Africa and India. The Gates Foundation gave $8.7 million in microfinance grants in 2005 (see MicroCapital Blog’s December 14, 2005 and December 1, 2005 articles). The recipients of these grants were Opportunity International, FINCA International, and California-based Freedom From Hunger.

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