CGAP Announces Its 9 Technology Picks

CGAP, the World Bank associated microfinance agency, announced its nine technology partners. Quoting the CGAP press release, the chosen nine are as follows:

Project Ideas Selected from Concept Notes Received:

1. Colombia: Credibanco VISA provides credit and debit card transaction acquiring to banks in Colombia through 53,000 points of sale and a telecommunications network that connects in real time to 17 principal cities of the country and 385 municipalities.

CGAP is planning a project with Credibanco to test whether a third party provider can use its merchant network to provide financial services on behalf of banks. Credibanco also plans to extend its existing merchant network to reach 250 additional municipalities that are currently unserved by bank branches. Banking agents in these municipalities will offer a full set of financial services on behalf of VISA member banks using POS and card-based technologies.

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