MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: YouthSave Project Launches New Website Targeting Young People With Microfinance

YouthSave Project, a consortium of youth- and microfinance-focused NGOs, has launched a website that will feature the research of the YouthSave Project, as well as broader information on youth savings accounts around the globe.

Rani Deshpande, Director of the YouthSave Project said, “Through www.youthsave.org, practitioners, researchers, policy makers and financial institutions will gain access to the lessons and insights needed to move forward in providing youth living in poverty with the opportunity to save and invest in their future and themselves.”

By Witt Gatchell, Research Associate

About YouthSave:
The YouthSave Project is a consortium of youth and microfinance focused NGOs that is based in the Toronto, Canada. YouthSave Project and its in-country partners are committed to developing, delivering and testing savings products accessible to low-income youth in Colombia, Ghana, Kenya and Nepal. Led by Save the Children in partnership with the Center for Social Development at Washington University in St. Louis (CSD), the New America Foundation (NAF), CGAP (Consultative Group to Assist the Poor), the YouthSave consortium is supported by a five year USD 12.5 million grant from The MasterCard Foundation.

About CGAP:
Housed at the World Bank Group, CGAP (Consultative Group to Assist the Poor) is an independent policy and research center dedicated to facilitating the provision of financial access to poor people worldwide. CGAP is supported by approximatley thirty development agencies and private foundations. Its mission is to provide market intelligence, to promote standards and to offer advisory services to governments, microfinance providers, donors and investors.

About MasterCard Foundation:
Based in Canada, the MasterCard Foundation is a private foundation with over CAD 3 billion (the equivalent of USD 2.9 billion) in assets. The foundation’s goal is to enable people living in poverty to improve their lives with increased access to microfinance and education. The Foundation was established in 2006 by a gift of shares from global payment processor MasterCard Worldwide during the company’s initial public offering.

Sources and Additional Resources:
[1] YouthSave Press Release: “YouthSave Project Launches New Website” http://youthsave.org/content/youthsave-project-launches-new-website

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