Upcoming Events åö Inter-American Development Bank 2007 Business Seminar Series Looks at Capital Market Financing in Latin America and the Caribbean

Thursday June 7th 2007, Washington DC, USA The first in the upcoming seminar series held by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is entitled “Capital Markets and Financial Instruments for Development” and aims to “concentrate on innovative IDB financial instruments to help support access to local capital market financing in Latin America and the Caribbean.” The event will be held at the bank’s headquarters in Washington DC and the schedule will include a look at financial products offered by the Private Sector Department and the Inter-American Investment Corporation (IIC). Staff will also present project finance case studies and discuss the new organisational structure of the IDB as well as business opportunities available through the bank. Continue reading “Upcoming Events åö Inter-American Development Bank 2007 Business Seminar Series Looks at Capital Market Financing in Latin America and the Caribbean”

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