Dutch Triodos Family of Funds (Triodos-Doen, Triodos Private Fair Share, Hivos-Triodos) Makes Microfinance Investments Worth Over $6.7 Million in Loans to Seven Microcredit Institutions Worldwide

In addition to recent equity investment activity reported on December 6th, the Triodos Bank family of microfinance funds also lent over $6.7 million in seven deals. The Triodos-Doen Foundation, Triodos Fair Share Private Fund, and the Hivos-Triodos Fund have made loans to the Uganda Women’s Finance Trust ($545,600), Mongolian XacBank ($1m), Cambodian Thaneakea Phum Ltd. ($507,200), Mozambiquean Socremo ($627,000), Nicaraguan Fundación para el Apoyo a la Microempresa ($1.5m), and Bosnian and Herzegovinian MI-BOSPO ($942,080) and MIKROFIN (over $1.6m).
Continue reading “Dutch Triodos Family of Funds (Triodos-Doen, Triodos Private Fair Share, Hivos-Triodos) Makes Microfinance Investments Worth Over $6.7 Million in Loans to Seven Microcredit Institutions Worldwide”

French Microcredit Investment Company Investor and Partner for Development Obtains 20.5% Stake in Micro-bank Uganda Women’s Trust

French investment company Investor and Partner for Development (I&P) obtained a 20.5% stake in microfinance institution (MFI) Uganda Women’s Finance Trust Limited (UFT). Established in 2002 by French entrepreneurs and incorporated in the country of Mauritius, I&P invests in MFIs and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). I&P had total assets of å¥8.5 million as of mid-March 2005, by which time it also had 5 active microfinance investments totaling å¥1.66 million and 3 active SME investments in the water, agriculture technology, and pharmaceutical industries totaling å¥455,000.
Continue reading “French Microcredit Investment Company Investor and Partner for Development Obtains 20.5% Stake in Micro-bank Uganda Women’s Trust”

Calvert Foundation Makes $3 Million Investment in Recently Launched MicroCredit Enterprises Fund

Sacramento-based MicroCredit Enterprises Fund (MCE Fund) received a $3 million loan from the DC area Calvert Foundation. The MicroCredit Enterprises Fund, which has just been launched this year, is aligned with MicroCredit Enterprises LLC which has an operating budget of $200,000 for 2006. MicroCredit Enterprises will provide loans to both non-profit and for-profit microfinance institutions (MFIs) throughout the world. The MCE Fund’s application to become a non-profit is currently pending approval.

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Dutch MicroFinance Triodos Fair Share and Triodos-Doen Funds Invest $1 Million of Equity in Mongolian XacBank

Mongolian microfinance bank XacBank sold $1 million in shares to Dutch Triodos Fair Share and Triodos-Doen microfinance funds. Established in 2001, XacBank was created as a merger between the two largest non-bank financial institutions in Mongolia, Goviin Ekhlel and X.A.C., to provide microloans and small and medium size enterprise (SME) loans. XacBank, which by year end 2004 had over $38 million in total assets, has disbursed approximately 140,000 loans throughout Mongolia since its founding.

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Applauding $900,000 Grant from Omidyar Network to MIX, the Information Standard in Microcredit

The Microfinance Information eXchange (MIX) received a $900,000 grant from the Omidyar Network. MicroCapital supports The MIX as the information standard on microfinance, and this is a perfect example of where donations should be made in microfinance.
Continue reading “Applauding $900,000 Grant from Omidyar Network to MIX, the Information Standard in Microcredit”

With a $2.2m Grant to Microfinance Network Opportunity International, Gates Foundation Dips Toe in Microcredit Investing—Is It Welcome?

Transnational microfinance network Opportunity International has received a $2.2 million grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which Opportunity will use to create a trans-African network of microfinance institutions (MFIs) and train communities in HIV/AIDS prevention.
Continue reading “With a $2.2m Grant to Microfinance Network Opportunity International, Gates Foundation Dips Toe in Microcredit Investing—Is It Welcome?”

Legendary Venture Capitalist Vinod Khosla and Grameen Foundation Make $500,000 Microfinance Equity Investment into Indian Microfinance Institution

U.S. non-profit Grameen Foundation USA (GFUSA) and Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist Vinod Khosla have each made a $250,000 equity investment into Indian microfinance institution (MFI) Credit and Savings for the Hardcore Poor Financial and Technical Services (CFTS).

Continue reading “Legendary Venture Capitalist Vinod Khosla and Grameen Foundation Make $500,000 Microfinance Equity Investment into Indian Microfinance Institution”

Grameen Foundation USA and Nokia Collaborate for Microfinance Investment in Rural African Telecommunications

Last month, we reported on GrameenPhone’s new text messaging service for the poor in Bangladesh, questioning whether or not we would see more partnerships between micro-lenders and wireless providers. We received an answer today, as Nokia and the Grameen Foundation USA (GFUSA) have announced a collaboration to bring affordable telecommunications to rural villages in Africa.

Continue reading “Grameen Foundation USA and Nokia Collaborate for Microfinance Investment in Rural African Telecommunications”

U.S. Overseas Private Investment Corporation and Citigroup Making $30 Million Microfinance Investment into ProCredit Holding

The U.S. Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) and Citigroup recently provided $30 million in financing to German headquartered international development holding company ProCredit Holding AG. ProCredit Holding will consequently disburse the money to its 19 subsidiaries in Latin America, Eastern Europe, and Africa. Last week, MicroCapital posted a blog entry about an investment made by ProCredit Holding. For more information about the company, please visit the blog dated October 25, 2005.

OPIC is a U.S. based international development agency established in 1971, which by the end of 2004 had over $5.9 billion in total assets. Citigroup, which has a history dating back to 1812, is a financial services company. It had over $1.5 trillion in assets at 2004’s year end, during which time Citigroup established Global Microfinance, a business group focused on providing financial resources to microfinance institutions (MFIs).

Information regarding how much financing OPIC and Citigroup provided separately is unavailable.

Additional Resources

1) Main article discussed in entry, USINFO: “U.S. Agency to Provide $30 Million for Loans in 19 Countries.”
2) “ProCredit Holding: ProCredit Institutions.”
3) MicroCapital Blog: “German ProCredit Holding Makes $8 Million Microfinance Investment into ProCredit Ukraine.”
4) Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC): “Expanding Horizons: Annual Report 2004.”
5) “About Citigroup.”
6) “2004 Annual Report.”

Fremont Bank Makes $500,000 Microfinance Investment in Opportunity International Loan Guarantee Fund

California based Fremont Bank recently loaned Opportunity International $500,000 for a Loan Guarantee Fund. Fremont Bank was founded in 1964 as a full financial services commercial bank, and as of August 2005, had assets exceeding $1.6 billion.

Opportunity International, a transnational microfinance wholesale network with headquarters in Chicago, began providing loans to microfinance institutions (MFIs) in 1992. Fremont Bank’s loan to Opportunity’s Loan Guarantee Fund backs loans to MFIs within Opportunity’s wholesale network across 27 countries throughout the world, but primarily in the Philippines and Eastern Europe. At the end of 2004, Opportunity had a $120 million loan portfolio held among its 48 partner NGOs that have a total of 675,500 clients.

Additional Resources

1) “Fremont Bank.”
2) “CoreTrac: Another California Community Bank Chooses CoreTrac.”
3) MicroCapital Blog: “Microfinance Networks (wholesale transnational): Defined and Listed.”
4) “Opportunity International: History.”
5) “2004 Annual Report Opportunity International.”
6) “Opportunity International Network.”
7) “Fremont Bank Takes Community Lending to the World.”

Inter-American Investment Corporation Makes $1 Million Microfinance Investment into Paraguayan Microfinance Institution Financiera Familiar

The Inter-American Investment Corporation (IIC), a super-national quasi-governmental institution based in the U.S., loaned $1 million to “Financiera Familiar”, a Paraguayan Microfinance Institution (MFI). Established in 1986, the IIC invests in financial institutions that promote small and medium enterprises in Latin America and the Caribbean. With 43 member countries, the IIC has more than $487.3 million in total assets.

MFI Financiera Familiar, established in 1967 to make small consumer loans, became the first for-profit MFI in Paraguay in 1994 “specializing in micro-credit loans to low-income persons”. The latest available information from 2001 indicates that since then 10 other organizations have started up as micro-lenders. As of 2005, the MFI has loaned $9.3 million to over 45,000 customers.

Additional Resources

1) Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP): “Microfinance Capital Markets Update” is the best source for monthly updates on debt and equity deals in microfinance.
2) Inter-American Investment Corporation (IIC):
“Agreement Establishing the Inter-American Investment Corporation.”
3) IIC: “The IIC’s Mission.”
4) IIC: “Member Countries.”
5) IIC: “Inter-American Investment Corporation 2004 Annual Report.”
6) “Microfinance Enters the Marketplace.”

ResponsAbility Global Microfinance Fund Makes Microfinance Investments Totaling $4.7 Million into Multiple Microfinance Institutions

Recently, the ResponsAbility Global Microfinance Fund invested: $2 million into ProCredit Georgia, $1.5 million into Ecuadorian Banco Solidario, $500,000 into FINCA Georgia, $500,000 into Sinapi ABA Trust in Ghana, and $200,000 into Fondo de Desarrollo in Nicaragua. (Last week we also reported on another investment by ResponsAbility; please refer to the blog dated October 28, 2005 for more information on the fund).

ProCredit Georgia is one of the 19 microbanks—all in different countries—that make up the ProCredit Group. Established in 1999 to provide financial services to micro and small businesses, ProCredit Georgia has since then disbursed close to 38,500 loans totaling $185 million, and currently has total assets of $122.992 million as of June 2005.

Banco Solidario Ecuador, established in 1995, provides financial services to rural and urban microentrepreneurs and small businesses. At the end of 2004, Banco Solidario had a gross loan portfolio of over $177 million and total assets close to $260 million.

FINCA Georgia began microfinance operations in 1998 as a member of the international microfinance network FINCA International. FINCA Georgia has total outstanding loans of $5.37 million for almost 10,000 clients in village banking programs.

The Sinapi ABA Trust (SAT) in Ghana is a Christian non-government organization (NGO) established in 1994. The organization provides individual and group loans to rural and urban microentrepreneurs. At the end of 2003, SAT had an outstanding loan portfolio of $3.26 million for 41,800 clients and operates 14 branches in Ghana.

Nicaragua’s Fondo de Desarrollo (FDL) was established in 1992 as a non-profit organization providing loans to rural and urban microentrepreneurs. At the end of 2004, FDL had a gross loan portfolio of $19.5 million and total assets of $24.3 million.

Additional Resources

1) Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP): “Microfinance Capital Markets Update” is the best source for monthly updates on debt and equity deals in microfinance.
2) MicroCapital Blog:
“FINCA Kyrgyzstan Receives $500,000 Microfinance Investment from Swiss ResponsAbility Fund.”
3) “ResponsAbility: Welcome to ResponsAbility.”
4) “ProCredit Holding: ProCredit Institutions.”
5) “ProCredit Bank History.”
6) “Balance Sheet (June 2005).”
7) MIX Market: “Banco Solidario: General Information.”
8) “Sinapi ABA Trust.”
9) MIX Market: “FDL: General Information.”
10) MIX Market: “FDL: Financial Data.”
11) “FINCA International: Where We Work.”
12) MicroCapital Blog: “Microfinance Networks (wholesale transnational): Defined and Listed.”

ABN AMRO Bank Makes $4.5 Million Microfinance Investment into Indian Microfinance Institution SKS

Dutch ABN AMRO Bank recently loaned Indian SKS Microfinance Private, Ltd., a microfinance institution (MFI), $4.5 million. With over å¥855 billion in total assets as of June 2005, ABN AMRO ranks as the 20th largest commercial bank in the world, measured by tier 1 capital (equity capital and disclosed reserves).

Established in 1997 as a “non-profit society”, SKS India began operations in microfinance services, then incorporated SKS Microfinance PrivateLtd (SKSML) in 2003 as a “for-profit spin-off” that took over the microfinance operations specializing in savings, loans, and insurance. As of June 2005, the organization had total assets just over $458 million and total loans close to $400 million for about 87,000 clients.

Additional Resources

1) Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP): “Microfinance Capital Markets Update” is the best source for monthly updates on debt and equity deals in microfinance.
“ABN AMRO: Profile.”
3) “SKS: Product and Services.”
4) “SKS Milestones.”

FINCA Kyrgyzstan Receives $500,000 Microfinance Investment from Swiss ResponsAbility Fund


FINCA Microcredit Company in Kyrgyzstan recently received a $500,000 loan from the Swiss based ResponsAbility Global Microfinance Fund.FINCA Microcredit Company, a microfinance institution (MFI), began its operations in 1995 as a member of the transnational microfinance network FINCA International, which started its first MFI in Bolivia in 1985.FINCA Kyrgyzstan provides loans to small businesses, individuals, and groups.The best information available indicates that there are about 11 Kyrgyz MFIs and FINCA Microcredit Company ranks as one of the top with a total loan portfolio of over $9.8 million for about 24,500 borrowers.

The ResponsAbility Global Microfinance Fund was founded in 2003 by Swiss financial institutions Credit Suisse, which is also the fund manager, Raiffeisen Banking Group, Baumann & Cie Banquiers, and the Andromeda Fund.PlaNet Finance, an international network of non-government organizations (NGOs), provides investment advisory services to the fund.ResponsAbility loans between $50,000 and $1.5 million to MFIs for a maximum of 5 years at a rate equal to “LIBOR plus full cost plus full risk.”The Fund’s total assets are reported as $11.45 million on MIX, the World Bank microfinance information clearinghouse, but are actually over $30 million according to individuals knowledgeable about the Fund.

Additional Resources

1) Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP): “Microfinance Capital Markets Update” is the best source for monthly updates on debt and equity deals in microfinance.
“FINCA International: History.”
3) MicroCapital Blog: “Microfinance Networks (wholesale transnational): Defined and Listed.”
4) “FINCA International: Where We Work”
5) MicroCapital Blog: “Big European Development Bank Makes $2 Million Microfinance Investment in Kyrgyzstan.”
6) “MicroFinance Network: FINCA Microcredit Company, Kyrgyzstan.”
7) “Founding Institutions: Credit Suisse Group.”
8) “Founding Institutions: Swiss Raiffeisen Group.”
9) “Founding Institutions: Baumann & Cie, Basel Private Bankers.”
10) “Founding Institutions: Andromeda Fund.”
11) MIX Market: “ResponsAbility Fund: Fund Description.”
12) MIX Market: “ResponsAbility Fund: Fund Instruments.”
12) PlaNet Finance: “ACTIVITIES/Financing.”
13) “Overview of the Microfinance Industry in the ECA Region in 2003.”

German ProCredit Holding Makes $8 Million Microfinance Investment into ProCredit Ukraine

Recently, German based international development holding company, ProCredit Holding, loaned ProCredit Bank Ukraine $8 million. ProCredit Holding, the leader of the ProCredit group—an international group of 19 microbanks in different countries, is an investment company founded in 1998. As the main shareholder of the ProCredit group, it invests in its subsidiaries. At the end of 2004, ProCredit Holding’s gross loan portfolio to its member banks amounted to over $950.9 million. ProCredit group member, ProCredit Bank Ukraine, began its operations in 2001. The bank, which specializes in micro-enterprise lending in Ukraine, had total assets of almost $133.5 million and a gross loan portfolio of almost $101.5 million at the end of 2004.

Additional Resources

1) Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP): “Microfinance Capital Markets Update” is the best source for monthly updates on debt and equity deals in microfinance.
“ProCredit Holding.”
3) “ProCredit Bank: History and Shareholders.”
4) “ProCredit Bank: About the Bank.”
5) “ProCredit Bank Ukraine: Annual Report 2004.”
6) “Publications- ProCredit Holding: Annual Report 2004.”
7) “ProCredit Holding: ProCredit Institutions.”

Google Foundation Makes $5 Million Microfinance Investment into Acumen Fund

The Google Foundation’s $5 million gift to the Acumen Fund goes to show that "making a philanthropic investment" in international small/sustainable business development is fashionable. Google would never do anything out of fashion. The Google Foundation is the “philanthropic arm of google.”

The Rockefeller Foundation, Cisco Systems Foundation, and individual philanthropists established the Acumen Fund in 2001. The Acumen Fund is an international non-profit venture fund that provides loans, equity investments, grants and “intellectual capital” to enterprises that support progress in health, housing, and water. At the end of 2004, the Acumen Fund had total disbursed loans of $2.964 million. The Fund aims to achieve approximately a negative -20% return on investment.Additional Resources
“Google.org Partnership.”
2) “Acumen Fund: Our Mission.”
3) “Acumen Fund: Investment Approach.”
4) “Acumen Fund: Investment Report August 2005.”
5) “Google”

$4.5 Million Microfinance Investment into Azerbaijan Micro Finance Bank Helps Establish Credit Line

The Azerbaijan Micro Finance Bank (AMFB) recently received a $3 million loan from the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank and a $1.5 million loan from the Triodos-Doen Foundation to be used as credit lines for small businesses. Established in 2002 by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), International Finance Corporation (IFC), Black Sea Trade and Development Bank, and German LFS Financial Systems GmbH, AMFB provides financial services to micro and small business within the country. The bank’s typical microloans are between $400 and $10,000 for a maximum of 9 months. In June 2005, the Azerbaijan Microfinance Association reported that AMFB had a total loan portfolio of more than $11.4 million. It is the only one of the 45 commercial banks in Azerbaijan that focuses on microfinance services.

AMFB’s investor, the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank, is an “international financial institution” created in 1998 by the governments of Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Moldova, Russia, Romania, Turkey, and Ukraine. In 2003, the bank had $1.325 billion in capital, and since its inception, has invested over $430 million in public and private enterprises in its member countries.

Another AMFB investor, The Triodos-Doen Foundation, founded by Dutch Triodos Bank and the Doen Foundation in 1994, provides loans ranging from $200,000 to $1 million for a maximum of five years to microfinance institutions (MFIs). The terms offered to MFIs are “Libor plus full cost plus full risk” and the “interest rate must be sufficient to cover potential devaluation against the Euro plus to cover costs of 8%.” The fund’s total assets stand at $34.822 million; $30.643 million of which has been allocated to microfinance investment.

Additional Resources

1) Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP): “Microfinance Capital Markets Update” is the best source for monthly updates on debt and equity deals in microfinance.
“Social and Economic Background of Azerbaijan.”
3) “Micro Finance Bank of Azerbaijan: Overview.”
4) “Micro Finance Bank of Azerbaijan: Mission.”
5) “Qualisteam: Black Sea Trade and Development Bank.”
6) Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB) Press Release: “Black Sea Trade and Development Bank.”
7) MIX Market: “Triodos-Doen Foundation: Fund Instruments.”
8) MIX Market: “Triodos-Doen Foundation: Fund Description.”
9) “Black Sea Trade and Development Bank: A New Financial Player in the Balkans.”
10) “Microfinance in Azerbaijan.”

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Makes $2 Million Investment in Kyrgyzstani Microfinance Institution Bai Tushum

Bai Tushum, a Kyrgyzstan microfinance institution (MFI), was recently provided with a $2 million loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)—the “largest single investor in the region” between central Europe and central Asia. Member countries, the European Community, and the European Investment Bank own the EBRD, which has “subscribed capital totaling å¥20 billion.” The bank finances its loans by borrowing funds in international capital markets, and subsequently providing loans to public and private enterprises including banks, industries, and businesses. In 2004, the EBRD had invested over $1.37 billion in financial institutions supporting local enterprises.

In 2003, loan recipient Bai Tushum received an “A” rating for financial and economic performance standards designed by the World Bank’s microfinance unit (CGAP). The Microfinance Centre for Central and Eastern Europe and the New Independent States, states that as of 2004 there were 11 Kyrgyz MFIs; and Bai Tushum was the first MFI in the country to receive such a rating. Since its inception in 2000, Bai Tushum’s loan portfolio has grown from approximately $646,500 to $4.717 million in July 2005, and its total assets have increased from close to $1 million to $6.385 million. Bai Tushum directs its financial services to farmers and small and medium size entrepreneurs.

Additional Resources

1) Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP): “Microfinance Capital Markets Update” is the best source for monthly updates on debt and equity deals in microfinance.
“About the EBRD.”
3) “About the EBRD: Ownership and Funding.”
4) “USAID Success Stories Archive: USAID Supported Microfinance Insitution First in Kyrgyzstan to Receive ‘A’ Rating.”
5) MIX Market: “Bai Tushum: Financial Information.”
6) MIX Market: “Bai Tushum: General Information.”
7) “EBRD: Annual Report 2004.”
8) “MFC Spotlight 12: Overview of the Microfinance Industry in the ECA Region in 2003.”