MICROFINANCE EVENT: Sankalp Forum to Host “Sankalp Unconvention Summit 2014” on Social Enterprise and Investment, April 9 – 11, 2014, Mumbai, India

Event Name: Sankalp Unconvention Summit 2014

Event Date: April 9 – 11, 2014

Event Location: Hotel Renaissance, Mumbai, India

MICROFINANCE EVENT: Burgundy School of Business, ISCAE, Attawfiq Micro-Finance to Host “5th International Conference on Institutional and Technological Environment for Microfinance (ITEM5),” March 18 – 20, 2014, Casablanca, Morocco

Event Name: 5th International Conference on the Institutional and Technological Environment for Microfinance (ITEM5)

Event Date: March 18 – 20, 2014

Event Location: Institut Supérieur de Commerce et d’Administration des Entreprises (ISCAE), Casablanca, Morocco

MICROFINANCE EVENT: Child and Youth Finance International (CYFI) to Sponsor Worldwide Events for “Global Money Week 2014”, March 10 – 17, 2014

Event Name: Global Money Week 2014

Event Date: March 10 – March 17, 2014

Event Location: Separate events will be held in approximately 80 countries across Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, the Middle East and the Pacific.

MICROFINANCE EVENT: Harvard Business School Africa Business Club to Host “2014 Africa Business Conference,” February 28 – March 2, 2014, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Event Name: 2014 Africa Business Conference

Event Date: February 28 – March 2, 2014

Event Location: Harvard Business School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

MICROFINANCE EVENT: Opal Financial Group to Host “European Family Office Winter Symposium,” “Institutional Investors’ Congress,” February 10 – 11, 2014, London, UK

Event Name: European Family Office Winter Symposium and Institutional Investors’ Congress

Event Date: February 10 – February 11, 2014

Event Location: London Hilton Hotel, London, UK

MICROFINANCE EVENT: AITEC Banking & Mobile Money West Africa, July 15 – 16, 2014, Lagos, Nigeria – NEW DATES

Event Name: African Information Technology Exhibitions and Conferences (AITEC) Banking & Mobile Money West Africa 2014

Event Dates: July 15 – July 16, 2014 (Originally scheduled for March 12 – March 13, 2014)

Event Location: Eko Hotel, Lagos, Nigeria

MICROFINANCE EVENT: Opal Financial Group Hosts “Canadian Family Office & Private Wealth Management Forum,” January 21-22, 2014, Toronto, Canada

Event Name: Canadian Family Office & Private Wealth Management Forum

Event Date: January 21 – January 22, 2014

Event Location: Intercontinental Toronto Centre, Toronto, Canada

MICROFINANCE EVENT: Clarion to Host “Mobile Money and Digital Payments Asia 2014,” January 21-23, 2014, Jakarta, Indonesia

Event Name: Mobile Money and Digital Payments Asia 2014

Event Date: January 21 – January 23, 2014

Event Location: Ritz Carlton Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia

MICROFINANCE EVENT: Magenta Global to Host “5th Annual Mobile Payments & E-Commerce Emerging Markets/Asia Pacific 2014 Summit,” February 13-14, 2014, Yangon, Myanmar

Event Name: 5th Annual Mobile Payments & E-Commerce Emerging Markets/Asia Pacific 2014 Summit

Event Date: February 13 – February 14, 2014

Event Location: Inya Lake Hotel, Yangon, Myanmar

SPECIAL REPORT: Why Microfinance Institutions Offer Unprofitable Housing Loans

On November 14, the closing day of the European Microfinance Platform’s (e-MFP’s) European Microfinance Week, Wilson Twamuhabwa, CEO of Uganda’s Ugafode Microfinance Limited, explained that his organization began to offer housing loan products partly because its clients were using 30 percent of their loans for housing anyway.

SPECIAL REPORT: Michael Chu: “Disrupt this Old Model to Unlock the Potential of Microfinance”

At today’s opening plenary of European Microfinance Week, which is hosted by Luxembourg’s 140-member European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP), Michael Chu of the US-based Harvard Business School and the Mexico-based venture capital fund Ignia, argued that microfinance is generally implemented using a 20-year-old model that is inefficient and “ripe for disruption” through technology.

MICROCAPITAL EVENT: Access Development Services Hosts Microfinance India Summit 2013, December 9-10; Livelihoods India Conference 2013 December 11-12, 2013

Event Name: Microfinance India Summit 2013, Livelihoods India Conference

Event Date: December 9-10, December 11-12

Event Location: New Delhi, India

MICROFINANCE EVENT: Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry (ALFI) Hosts “US Roadshow,” Boston & New York, USA, November 4-6, 2013

Event Name: Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry (ALFI) US Roadshow

Event Date: November 4 – November 6, 2013

Event Location: Day 1 in Boston, Days 2 – 3 in New York

MICROFINANCE EVENT: 2013 Sustainable Finance Week, 14th Global Roundtable of United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI), Beijing, China, November 10-15

Event Name: 2013 Sustainable Finance Week (SFW), 14th Global Roundtable: “Financing the Future We Want: China, Emerging Markets and the World Economy”

Event Date: November 10 – November 15, 2013

Event Location: Beijing, China