MICROCAPITAL EVENT: Transparent Pricing Initiative in Colombia on September 1-2, 2010, in Bogota and Medellin, Hosted by Microfinance Transparency

Event Name: Microfinance Transparency’s (MFTransparency’s) Transparent Pricing Initiative in Colombia

Event Date: September 1 and September 2, 2010

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Group of 20 (G-20) and Ashoka’s Changemakers Announce Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Finance Challenge 2010

The Group of 20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (G-20), a group of leaders from 20 economies, and the US-based nonprofit, Ashoka, have announced that they will be holding a worldwide contest for the best models that catalyze finance for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The challenge is open to all private sector participants, including private financial institutions, private investors and companies, socially responsible investors, foundations and civil society organizations.
The goal of the Challenge is to identify catalytic and well-targeted public interventions to unlock private finance for SMEs. Maximizing leverage of scarce public resources is at key part of the Challenge.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Southern Sudan Holds Microfinance Conference with Sponsorship from United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

With sponsorship from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), a government agency that provides international economic and humanitarian assistance, Southern Sudan recently held what was billed as its first microfinance conference. The aim of the conference, which was held in the regional capital of Juba, was to provide a forum for stakeholders to exchange views about the status of microfinance in Southern Sudan and to develop a strategy to improve microfinance in the region.

MICROFINANCE EVENT: Red Centroamericana de Microfinanzas (REDCAMIF) Hosts the Fifth Central American Microfinance Conference in San Jose, Costa Rica, August 25 to August 27, 2010

Event Name: V Central American Microfinance Conference ‘Crisis: Lessons Learned and New Strategies’

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Microcredit Summit Campaign Issues Call for Institutional Action Plans (IAPs) to be Presented at 2011 Global Microcredit Summit

The Microcredit Summit Campaign, a project initiated in 1997 by the RESULTS Educational Fund, a US-based advocacy organization that aims to alleviate hunger and poverty, is requesting that each of its member institutions submit an Institutional Action Plan (IAP).

MICROFINANCE EVENT: Beyond Microcredit: A Wholistic Approach to Poverty Eradication, Davao City, Philippines, July 29 to July 30, 2010

Event Name: Beyond Microcredit: A Wholistic Approach to Poverty Eradication

Event Date: July 29 to July 30, 2010

Event Location: Davao City, Philippines, Apo View Hotel

Event Description:
This is the second conference in a three-part series organized by the Microfinance Council of the Philippines (MCPI) that aims to generate dialogue and new ideas on more effective ways to address poverty. The conference, which is organized in partnership with the Mindanao Microfinance Council (MMC) – a network of 32 microfinance institutions (MFIs) from the island of Mindano in the Philippines – will pick up where the first conference left off.

MICROCAPITAL EVENT: Social Capital Markets 2010 (SOCAP10): At the Intersection of Money and Meaning on October 4 – October 6, 2010 in San Francisco, California, USA

Event Name: Social Capital Markets 2010 (SOCAP10): At the Intersection of Money and Meaning

Event Date: October 4 – October 6, 2010

Event Location: Fort Mason Center in San Francisco, California, USA

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Social Performance Task Force (SPTF) Annual Meeting Attended by 200 Microfinance Specialists from 50 Countries

The Social Performance Task Force (SPTF), a “global forum of microfinance experts,” held its annual meeting in Bern, Switzerland, from June 29 to July 3, 2010.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP) Extending Application Deadline for $122,000 European Microfinance Award

The European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP), a microfinance network comprised of approximately 120 organizations and individuals, has extended the deadline for applying to its European Microfinance Award 2010 event that MicroCapital announced on June 16, 2010, from July 15, 2010 to September 1, 2010.

The award, which includes a premium of EUR 100,000 (USD 122,000) will be presented by the Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign Affairs on November 30, 2010, during the European Microfinance Week.

MICROCAPITAL EVENT: CGAP (Consultative Group to Assist the Poor) and Grameen Foundation Virtual Conference: Getting Past the Technology Hurdles at Microfinance Institutions (MFIs)

Event Name: CGAP and Grameen Foundation Virtual Conference: Getting Past the Technology Hurdles at MFIs

MICROCAPITAL EVENT: Triple Bottom Line Investments (TBLI) Conference Europe 2010 on November 11-12, 2010, in London

Event Name: Triple Bottom Line Investments (TBLI) Conference Europe 2010

Event Date: November 11- November 12, 2010

Event Location: Grange St. Paul’s Hotel, London, United Kingdom