MICROFINANCE EVENT: First European Research Conference on Microfinance Hosted by Centre for European Research in Microfinance and European Microfinance Platform

First European Research Conference on Microfinance

June 2-4, 2009, Université Libre de Bruxelles in Brussels, Belgium

The First European Research Conference on Microfinance is being co-hosted by the Centre for European Research in Microfinance (CERMi) and the European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP). The conference consists of workshops and panels where researchers will present their work and discuss it with their international colleagues. The conference will be chaired by Professor Marek Hudon, member of CERMi, from the Université Libre de Bruxelles Belgium and Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, and keynote speakers include Professor David Hulme from the University of Manchester, Professor Jonathan Morduch from New York University, and Professor Jean-Michel Servet from the Institut Universitaire d’Etudes du Développement de Genève.

MICROCAPITAL EVENT: Financing the Poor – Moving Beyond Inclusion: First Annual Global Conclave of Microfinance Connect to be held in New Delhi, India on April 29, 2009

First Annual Global Conclave of Microfinance Connect

April 29, 2009, New Delhi, India

Microfinance Connect will conduct its first annual global conclave in New Delhi, India on April 29, 2009. The day long event will focus on the theme: ‘Financing the Poor – Moving Beyond Inclusion’. The basis and theme of the event is based on the argument that microfinance as a tool for reducing poverty needs a shift in focus from just ‘inclusion’ to a more holistic framework that monitors and addresses the ‘outcomes and impact’ of microfinance products and services. The attempt of the conference is to channel stakeholder attention to these key issues and to provide a global platform to showcase endeavors/ accomplishments towards understanding and enhancing the outcome and impact of microfinance.

MicroFinance Connect invites banks and financial institutions, Microfinance Institutions (MFIs), apex bodies and networks, advocacy and support institutions, researchers and students to participate in this event. No information on the registration fee is available.

MICROCAPITAL STORY: Microinsurance Network and Munich ReFoundation, the Organizers of the 5th International Microinsurance Conference 2009 in Dakar, Senegal Announce a Call for Proposals for the Event

Microinsurance Network (formerly the CGAP Working Group on Microinsurance) in association with the German based risk management organization, Munich Re Foundation will host the 5th International Microinsurance Conference in Dakar, Senegal. The three day event will be held from November 3-5, 2009.

As per currently available information, the conference will feature over 300 experts from around the world, including representatives from international organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), development-aid agencies, insurance and reinsurance companies, academics, policymakers and regulators. The agenda for the conference includes panel discussions, working group sessions and interactive sessions to encourage discussion and facilitate dialogue on emerging issues. The central focus will be the exchange of experiences and discussion of challenges in the field of microinsurance. No further information on the agenda is available at the moment.

MICROFINANCE EVENT: The Center for Financial Services Innovation (CFSI) and SourceMedia Co-Sponsor the 4th Annual Underbanked Financial Services Forum on June 1st-3rd, 2009 in Dallas, Texas, USA

The 4th Annual Underbanked Financial Services Forum

June 1st-3rd, 2009, the Westin Galleria, Dallas, TX, USA

MICROCAPITAL EVENT: 2009 Coalition of Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Policy Conference to be held in Washington D.C. from March 1-3

2009 Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Policy Conference

March 1-3, 2009

The 2009 CDFI Institute Policy Conference will be held in Washington D.C., USA from March 1-3, 2009. The three day conference, which will feature dialogue with community development finance experts about issues facing the field of development finance, will be held at The Liaison Capitol Hill, an Affinia hotel. Participants at the event include policy makers, CDFI members, socially responsible investors, pension funds and banks. The event website can be found here.

MICROCAPITAL EVENT: Bankers Institute of Rural Development (BIRD) to Organize Conference on ‘Building Efficient Human Resources in MFIs’: February 28, 2009, Lucknow, India

Conference on ‘Building Efficient Human Resources in MFIs’

Feb 28, 2009, Lucknow, India

The Bankers Institute of Rural Development (BIRD) in India is organizing a conference to address issues faced by microfinance institutions (MFIs) in recruiting and retaining the right talent. The conference would prepare a roadmap for MFIs to build an efficient human resource base. The conference will focus on the following modules:

MICROFINANCE EVENT: Making Cents International Offers of a New Course Entitled “Youth Financial Services: Implementing Good Practices in the Field” March 2nd-5th in Washington, DC

Making Cents International “Youth Financial Services: Implementing Good Practices in the Field”

March 2nd – 5th, 2009, Washington, DC, USA

MICROFINANCE EVENT: Booth School of Business & Harris School of Public Policy Studies at the University of Chicago / Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University Sponsor Chicago Microfinance Conference (CMFC) in Chicago, USA, May 8th, 2009

Chicago Microfinance Conference

Navigating the Markets: Microfinance in the New Economy

May 8th, 2009

The Harper Center, the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, 5807 South Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637 USA

MICROFINANCE EVENT: Micro Banking Summer Academy of Frankfurt School of Finance and Management Presents Commercial Micro Banking, July 12-17, 2009, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Micro Banking Summer Academy of Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Commercial Micro Banking
July 5-10, 2009
DB Training Center, Bad Homburg, Germany

MICROFINANCE EVENT: Microinsurance Innovation Facility Announces Round 3 of Grants

Source: Microinsurance Innovation Facility.

The Microinsurance Innovation Facility has announced the availability of the third round of innovation grants. The grants aim to stimulate new ideas and test innovative approaches to providing better insurance products to low income households. In this round, the Facility will focus on small grants and consumer education. It will provide several small grants, under US$100,000, to help organizations start microinsurance activities, or test targeted innovations that do not require significant investments. The Facility also expects to support 3-5 consumer education initiatives that help low-income persons make informed choices regarding risk management tools, including insurance.

Organizations eligible for grants include:

Risk carriers
Delivery channels
Suppliers to the insurance industry

Applications must be submitted online (Online application) before 10 March 2009 (17:00 Central European time).

For applications, visit here. For questions about the eligibility and selection criteria and the application process, contact microinsurancegrants@ilo.org.

MICROCAPITAL STORY: Grameen Shakti Managing Director, Dipal Barua, Wins $1.5m Energy Prize for Implementing 200 Thousand Solar Panels in Bangladesh with Microfinance Scheme

The first annual Abu Dhabi based Zayed Future Energy Prize, worth USD 1.5 million, was awarded to the Founding Manager Director of Grameen Shakti, Dipal C. Barua, for his work in financing and installing over 200 thousand solar panels that have electrified the homes of approximately 2 million people in rural Bangladesh.  Grameen Shakti, or “Village Energy,” was founded as a non-profit in 1996 as a sister organization of the Nobel Peace Prize winning microfinance institution Grameen Bank.  Grameen Shakti’s website says that their solar power program “really took off the ground when rural clients realized (solar panels) are more cost effective than other conventional sources of energy such as kerosene and provide more utilities.”  Grameen Shakti hopes to implement 1 million solar panels by 2015.  As reported by the Financial Times, with over 30 million families without access to the electrical grid in Bangladesh, the potential for future growth of Grameen Shakti’s solar power program is enormous.

MICROCAPITAL STORY: The Microcredit Summit Campaign Announced that Microcredit Reached More than 106 Million of the World’s Poorest in 2007

The Microcredit Summit Campaign revealed that more than 106 million of the world’s poorest received a microloan in 2007. The finding is a product of the Microcredit Summit Campaign’s annual survey of microfinance institutions (MFIs) around the world. The 106 million are made up of individuals who, at the time of receiving their first loan, were either at the bottom half of those below their nation´s poverty line, or living on less than USD 1 per day (adjusted for purchasing power parity).

MICROFINANCE EVENT: Micro Banking Summer Academy of Frankfurt School of Finance & Management (Bankakademie) Hosts Microfinance Principles in Bad Homburg, Germany, July 3-5, 2009


JULY 3-5, 2009