Cocktail in New York on February 20th Addresses "Scaling-up Microfinance"

Microfinance defined as providing access to credit for low income people, has made significant accomplishments in the last year. “Milestones include the Nobel Prize going to Mohammad Yunus of the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh and capital investment inflows from established Wall Street financial institutions”. In order to ensure that the poorest benefit from this growth, and also contribute to it, the expansion and improvement of the microfinance sector should be an international priority. As a result, on February 20 Anne Gaboury President of Desjardins International and Drew Tulchin Director of EDG will share their insights as to how the microfinance institutions, in both the U.S. and internationally, can embark upon the challenge of providing practical financial services to help more than one-half of the world’s people lift themselves from poverty. The event sponsored by Quebec Delegation, will occur at One Rockefeller Center 26th floor, NY from 6:00pm to 8:30pm. To RSVP or obtain more information about the event contact Katleen Felix by Telephone at 917-375-6902 or by email:

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