KNOW A MICROFINANCE FUND: Sarona Global Investment Fund (SGIF)

The Sarona Global Investment Fund (SGIF) is a microfinance investment vehicle, which mobilized capital for microfinance institutions (MFIs). The fund closed in 2004.

The Sarona Global Investment Fund (SGIF) was a microfinance investment vehicle, which mobilized capital for microfinance institutions. In 2004, the fund dissolved, and invited its investors to roll their investments over to a MicroVest mPower Note offered through the Calvert Social Investment Fund.

Microfinance Information Exchange (MIX) Profile:

Organization’s Website:

Just the Facts:
Country of Incorporation: United States
Year Founded: 2000
Legal Status: Division of Private Non Profit Organization and 501(c)(3)
Fund Assets (as of day/month/year): USD 5.5 million (as of 30/September/2004)
Fund Assets Allocated to MFI Investment (as of day/month/year): USD 2.2 million (as of 30/September/2004)
Number of MFI Investments (as of day/month/year): 9 (as of 30/September/2004)
Area of Operation: Global
Participant(s)/Backer(s)/Investor(s): Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA)
Instruments: Loans and Debt Securities, Equity, Guarantees
Fund Currency: USD
Investment Horizon: 5 years
Fund Manager: Sarona Asset Management

Contact Information:
Sarona Asset Management
+1 204 295 9688 155 Frobisher Drive, Suite I-106
Waterloo, ON N2V 2E1

Link to Microcapital Universe Wiki page

Authored by Kenny Kline, Research Associate

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