Mali Microfinance Institution Soro Yiriwaso Loaned $581,400 from Oikocredit

News coming to us courtesy of the CGAP-MIX MCM October Newsletter, Mali’s Soro Yiriwaso was extended a three-year, $580,000 loan from Oikocredit. Soro Yiriwaso was established in 2000 as a microfinance institution to provide women in Sikasso province with credit. According to year end 2005 Microfinance Information eXchange (MIX) data, its 18,574 borrowers make up a total loan portfolio of $1.3 million. In addition, it has assets worth $1.6 million, return on assets of -17.5% and debt to equity ratio of 54.5%. Soro Yiriwaso’s primary funders are Save the Children (a charity with $396 million 2005 revenue) and APIM-Mali (Association Professionnelle des Institutions de la Microfinance au Mali), a Mali nongovernmental organization.

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