MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Canada’s Michael O’Brian Foundation Pledges $257,000 to Riskebiz Microfinance Fund

The Michael O’Brian Family Foundation, which is based in Vancouver, Canada, recently pledged CAD 250,000 (USD 257,000) to the Riskebiz Microfinance Fund (Riskebiz), a microfinance investment fund also based in Vancouver [1]. Riskebiz provides capital and technical assistance to tier-2 and tier-3 microfinance institutions (MFIs) including support relating to management information systems and mobile money. Riskebiz also works to connect insurers with MFIs to implement microinsurance services. Financial information on Riskebiz is not available.

PlaNIS responsAbility SAS, the investment advisory business unit of France-based PlaNet Finance, provides Riskebiz with investment and credit risk analysis and investment monitoring.

By Jacqueline Foelster, Research Associate

About Riskebiz Microfinance Fund (Riskebiz): Founded in 1999, Riskebiz is a microfinance investment firm and a technology services company. It provides capital and technical assistance to tier-2 and tier-3 microfinance institutions (MFIs) including support relating to management information systems and mobile money. Financial information on Riskebiz is not available.

About PlaNIS responsAbility SAS: PlaNIS responsAbility SAS was originally established by French nonprofit organization (NGO) Planet Finance as PlaNIS and now counts responsAbility Social Investments AG, an investment company based in Switzerland, as a significant shareholder. The firm provides investment advisory services to social investment funds that invest in microfinance. Its services include advising funds on sourcing, conducting due diligence and risk assessment on microfinance institutions (MFIs). According to the US-based nonprofit Microfinance Information Exchange (MIX), as of 2009, PlaNIS reported a team of 13 investment professionals monitoring investments from seven funds distributed across approximately 75 MFIs in 30 countries in Asia, Latin America and Western Africa and representing a total loan portfolio of approximately USD 165 million.

Sources and resources:

[1] Data submitted to MicroCapital by Riskebiz. March 2011

MicroCapital Microfinance Universe Profile: Riskebiz, https://www.microcapital.org/microfinanceuniverse/tiki-index.php?page=Riskebiz+Microfinance+Fund

MicroCapital Microfinance Universe Profile: PlaNIS responsAbility SAS, https://www.microcapital.org/microfinanceuniverse/tiki-index.php?page=PlaNIS+responsAbility+SAS

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