MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: International Finance Corporation (IFC) to Provide Advisory Services to PT Bank Internasional Indonesia (BII)

PT Bank Internasional Indonesia (BII), a private bank with 286 branches in Indonesia, recently signed a cooperation agreement with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the private sector arm of the World Bank, to receive advisory services on expanding the provision of credit to women and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

According to IFC’s website, in Indonesia, “more than 90 percent of women-owned or -managed small and medium [sized] enterprises used their own savings to establish their business. Most of them are located outside Jakarta and 82 percent of women-owned or -managed small [and] medium enterprises have monthly revenue of less than $5,000.”

Microfinance institutions (MFIs) in Indonesia that report to the Microfinance Information Exchange (MIX), hold an aggregate loan portfolio of USD 90.1 million, total assets of USD 111.6 million and 286,124 borrowers as of 2009.

About PT Bank Internasional Indonesia:
Founded in 1959, PT Bank Internasional Indonesia is a private bank based in Jakarta. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Mayban Offshore Services of Malaysia. It provides services such as wealth management, credit cards, mortgages and foreign exchange. The bank has 261 branches and 772 automated teller machines and 15 cash deposit machines across Indonesia as of 2009. According to the bank’s financial report of June 2009, the bank has total assets of INR 52 trillion, the equivalent of USD 1.14 trillion.

About the International Finance Corporation (IFC):
A member of the World Bank Group, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) offers loan and debt securities, equity investments, advisory services and technical assistance to alleviate poverty and promote open and competitive markets in developing countries. The IFC has 182 member countries that “collectively determine its policies, and approve investments.” In fiscal year 2009, IFC?s new investments totaled USD 14.5 billion.

By Trevor Kwong, Research Assistant:

Sources and Additional Resources:
[1] Source Article: International Finance Corporation: IFC Helps Expand Access to Finance for Indonesian Women and Small Medium Enterprises:

[2] MicroCapital Universe: International Finance Corporation (IFC):

[3] PT Bank Internasional Indonesia:

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