MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: MFI in Ecuador Borrows from C-Quadrat Dual Return Vision Microfinance Fund

A microfinance institution (MFI) in Ecuador recently closed on a loan from Austria-based C-Quadrat’s Dual Return Vision Microfinance Fund. C-Quadrat Asset Management, the unit of C-Quadrat that manages the fund, tells MicroCapital that the MFI was founded in 1996 and provides microentrepreneurs with loans; insurance; and non-financial services, such as financial literacy training and support for young entrepreneurs. It also engages in activities to promote health, ensure client protection and fight child labor. The identity of the MFI and the amount it borrowed remain confidential.

As of September 2018, the Dual Return Vision Microfinance and Dual Return Vision Microfinance-Local Currency funds hold assets valued at a total of USD 607 million. C-Quadrat manages EUR 10 billion (USD 12 billion) in assets as of 2017.

Sources and Additional Resources:

Information provided directly to MicroCapital by C-Quadrat Asset Management

Background on C-Quadrat

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