MICROCAPITAL EVENT: Approaches to Local Development through Sustainable Innovation, June 10-11, 2010, Trento, Italy

MICROCAPITAL EVENT: Approaches to Local Development through Sustainable Innovation, June 10-11, 2010, Trento, Italy

Event Name: Approaches to Local Development through Sustainable Innovation

Date: June 10-11, 2010
Type: Conference
Location: Trento, Italy

See Our Comprehensive Event Calendar Here: http://microfinanceassociation.ning.com/events

Cost: Please contact Aleksandra Bobic – Euricse Chiara Perini – Euricse @ conference@euricse.eu for pricing

Summary of Event: The conference aims to reclaim the momentum of change and development for people and their communities, emphasizing the role of finance. The methodology is interdisciplinary and integrative and will be only plenary sessions.

Conference Scientific Committee includes
• Silvio Goglio, University of Trento, Italy (chair)
• Yiorgos Alexopoulos, University of Athens, Greece
• Carlo Borzaga, University of Trento, Italy
• Roberto Burlando, University of Turin, Italy
• Peter Davis, University of Leicester (UK)

Topics to be covered include: Papers that explore either in theoretical terms or as illustration of best practices the innovative dimensions of cooperative banking and microcredit local development are invited in the following themes:
• Innovations within co-operative banking and microcredit institutions;
• Community led local economic development projects and programs;
• Strategies for confronting cultural and spatial barriers and enhancing levers for community development;
• The new potential and mentality that financial cooperatives can add to community development.
Abstracts should be submitted before end of October 2009.
The organizers are inviting papers that explore either in theoretical terms or as illustrations of best practice the innovative dimensions of co-operative banking and microcredit in local development in the following themes:

1. Innovations within co-operative banking and microcredit institutions
2. Community led local economic development projects and programmes: evaluation, promotion and screening of investments
3. Strategies for confronting cultural and spatial barriers and enhancing levers for community development
4. The new potential and mentality that financial

Who should attend? Anyone: Regulators, Policy Makers, Practitioners, Researchers, Academics

Background on the Organizer: The Conference is organized by Euricse in collaboration with the School on Local Development, University of Trento.
Euricse is a newly established research centre that is committed to further developing research and training activities carried out by the Institute for the Development of Non-profit Organizations (ISSAN – University of Trento). It was founded by the Federazione Trentina delle Cooperative, the University of Trento, Cooperatives Europe, the Province of Trento, and the Foundation Cassa di Risparmio of Trento and Rovereto. It is devoted to the study of co-operatives and social enterprises, along various disciplinary perspectives. Euricse is a centre for analysis and debate with a high scientific profile open to collaboration with the scientific community and, in particular, young researchers. The Institute also interacts directly with cooperatives and social enterprises themselves (see www.euricse.eu).

Online registration: TBA. For updates and additional information for the 2010 conference please visit http://www.euricse.eu/

Submit Your Event: http://microfinanceassociation.ning.com/events

Event Type: Conference
Event Starts: Thursday, June, 2010
Event Ends: Friday, June 11, 2010
Location: European Research Institute Enterprises University of Trento, Italy

Contact information:

For Further information, please contact the following address:

Contact Person:
Aleksandra Bobic – Euricse Chiara Perini – Euricse
Euricse – European Research Institute Enterprises University of Trento Via Rosmini,70 – I 38122 Trento
T. +39 0461 88 22 89 F. +39 0461 Email. conference@euricse.eu
Web www.euricse.eu

Address: European Research Institute Enterprises University of Trento Via Rosmini, 70 – I 38122 Trento, Italy

Phone: +39 0461 88 22 89
Fax: +39 0461

Email: conference@euricse.eu

Event Type: Conference

Event Starts: June 10, 2010

Event Ends: June 11, 2010

Location: European Research Institute Enterprises University of Trento, Italy

Organized By: Euricse

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