MICROCAPITAL EVENT: Microfinance Investor’s Fair 2009, October 21-22, 2009, in Nairobi, Kenya, Organized by African Microfinance Transparency (AMT) Forum

Event Name: Microfinance Investor’s Fair 2009

Event Date: October 21-22, 2009

Event Location: Nairobi, Kenya, Hotel Intercontinental

See Our Comprehensive Event Calendar Here: http://microfinanceassociation.ning.com/events


Registration fee per MFI: EUR 100 (for two representatives/ MFI)

Note: In the case of more than two representatives per MFI, there will be an additional charge of EUR 100 per person.

Who Should Attend?

The event is open to African MFIs that have already undergone a rating or performance evaluation with a recognized professional rating agency or who have signed a contract to be rated within the next few months. It is also be open to social investors active in microfinance and all full and associate members of AMT.

Summary of Event:

The microfinance investor conference focuses on the ability of microfinance institutions (MFIs) to mobilize resources, specifically from private investors and also on the growing importance of available transparent information regarding the financial performance of MFIs. Access to such commercial-related funds is generally linked to the availability of up to-date and transparent financial information which facilitates the ability to verify an institution’s aptitude for covering all its costs. AMT aims to facilitate this link between rated African MFIs and microfinance investors through its annual investor’s fair.

Event Theme and Topics:

The complete agenda for the event is currently unavailable. As per information available, the schedule includes a series of ‘speed’ meetings between MFIs and investors in addition to presentations on transparency and investments.

Background on Organizers:

The African Microfinance Transparency forum (AMT) was initially created in 2003 as the ‘African MFI Performance Evaluation Forum’, serving as a discussion platform between MFIs and rating agencies active in Africa. It was later formally institutionalized as the African Microfinance Transparency forum in 2008 as a non-profit association in South Africa. Its main objective is to promote transparency and efficiency amongst African MFIs by developing the market for external performance evaluations. Its board of directors includes representatives from the US based rating agency MicroRate, the Kenyan microfinance organization providing development, banking and advisory services K-Rep and the French microfinance rating agency Planet Rating [2].

Registration: To register for the event, please download the relevant application form – investor registration form is available here, the form for African MFIs can be downloaded here and AMT member-MFIs can download their relevant registration form here. Completed application forms may be sent to by August 31st 2009.

The registration fee is payable by bank transfer to the following account:

Account name: ADA asbl (AMT)

Currency: EUR

Account number: IBAN LU87 0021 1753 6997 4500

Swift code: BILLLULL

Bank name and address: DEXIA-BIL

69 Route d’Esch

L-1470 Luxembourg

Communication: MFI Name: AIF Registration Fees

Additional queries can be routed to:

Emma-Jayne Paul

AMT c/o ADA asbl

21, Allée Scheffer

L-2520 Luxembourg

Tél +352 45 68 68 31

Fax +352 45 68 68 68

Email: Info@amt-forum.org

Submit Your Event: http://microfinanceassociation.ning.com/events

By Bharathi Ram, Research Assistant


[1] African Microfinance Transparency: http://www.amt-forum.org

[2] AMT Board of Directors: http://www.amt-forum.org/conseiladministration.html?&L=1

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