MICROCAPITAL STORY: Munich Re Foundation and Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) Seek Proposals by May 15 for November 2008 Microinsurance Conference in Colombia

The fourth international Microinsurance Conference will be held from November 5-7, 2008, in Cartagena, Colombia. This event is jointly hosted by the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) Working Group on Microinsurance and the Munich Re Foundation, with support provided by Columbian insurer Fasecolda and Federación Interamericana de Empresas de Seguros (FIDES).

Organizers expect 300 experts from around the world to exchange experiences and discuss the challenges of microinsurance. They include representatives from international organisations, NGOs, development-aid agencies, commercial insurance companies and policymakers. The conference will be held in English and Spanish with translation available between the two.

Proposals for presentations of up to 20 minutes are currently sought on the following themes:

1) Technology / Tecnología
2) Capacity building / Formación de know how
3) Regulation, supervision and policy issues / Regulación, supervisión y emisión de pólizas
4) Innovative products and distribution channels / Productos innovadores y canales de distribución

The goal of the conference is to shed light on experience in microinsurance beyond pure academic research. The conference is designed to be an interactive event that focuses on sharing practical experience and innovations. Preference will be given to session proposals that reflect this philosophy.

Proposals must be submitted by May 15 and will only by accepted on this designated form. Applicants will be notified of acceptance by June 15. Presenters will be eligible for complimentary conference admission and those from nonprofit organizations may apply for limited travel funds.

More information is available via +49 89 3891 5909, info@munichre-foundation.org and the conference website.

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