MICROCAPITAL STORY: National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC) of the Philippines Holds “Call for Proposal” Related to the Microfinance Sector with a Prize of $10,761

On September 10th, the National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC) of the Philippines will hold a “Call for Proposals” at the Leyte Park Hotel in Tacloban city. According to the Philippine Information Agency (PIA), this is a “nationwide invitation to microfinance institutions, local government units and other microfinance/microenterprise development service providers to submit project proposals on capability building to qualify for grant funding under the Peoples Development Trust Fund.” Selected projects will receive PHP 500,000 (USD 10,761) from the People’s Development Trust Fund to help support their operations. Relevant topics for entries include “consultancy and training services for Microfinance institutions … social and financial preparation of beneficiaries, preparation of plans and programs including fund sourcing and assistance, establishment of credit and savings monitoring and evaluation mechanism.”

The NAPC is a government organization founded in 1998 to act as a “coordinating and advisory body” for development programs, including those run by NGOs. The organization also specifically deals with microfinance by managing the People’s Development Trust Fund and working with private and government financial institution to promote microfinance services.

A special Microfinance Unit (MFU) of the NAPC has been established to manage all initiatives related to microfinance and help establish government policy towards the sector. The main service of this organization is financial literacy training to the microfinance recipients. Other programs include a complaint filing system for consumer production of microfinance clients and general advisory services to microfinance institutions (MFIs) in the Philippines.

By Greg Casey, Research Assistant

Additional Resources:

Philippine Information Agency: NAPC roadshow calls for proposals on capacity-building in microfinance

National Anti-Poverty Commission on the Philippines: Microfinance Unit

NAPC: Home

Oanda.com: FX Converter

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