MICROCAPITAL STORY: Our Picks from the Latest Additions to the Microfinance Gateway Library

Last month, the Microfinance Gateway added 51 documents to its free library. Here are our favorites:

MFI Capital Structure Decision Making: A Call for Greater Awareness (CGAP Brief), Deshpande, R., Nestor, C., Abrams, J. & Littlefield, E., CGAP.
This brief summarizes findings from a study on MFI capital structuring and makes recommendations for optimizing MFI balance sheets.

Use of Donor Funds in the Financing of MFIs, Hudon, M., Centre Emile Bernheim (CEB) at Solvay Business School, Université Libre de Bruxelles.
This paper questions the role of donor funds in making MFIs sustainable.

Targeting Poorer Clients (CGAP Portfolio), CGAP.
This issue of Portfolio provides an inside view of new trends and the latest news from CGAP.

Microinsurance in the Philippines: Policy and Regulatory Issues and Challenges, Llanto, G., Almario, J. & Llanto-Gamboa, M., Philippine Institute for Development Studies.
This study assesses the state of microinsurance in the Philippines.

Group Lending and the Role of the Group Leader: Theory and Evidence from Eritrea, van Eijkel, R., Hermes, N. & Lensink, R., University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
This paper investigates strategic monitoring behavior within a group lending setting.

Sustainability of Self-Help Groups in India: Two Analyses (Occasional Paper No. 12), Isern, J., Prakash, L., Pillai, A., Hashemi, S., Christen, R., Ivatury, G. & Rosenberg, R., CGAP.
This paper looks at financial viability of SHG programs and proposes a methodology for ensuring their sustainability.

Institutionalising Risk Management for MFIs – Framework and Challenges (MicroSave Briefing Note #59), Mugwanga, T., MicroSave.
The note addresses the development of risk management policies for MFIs.

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