MICROCAPITAL STORY: Triodos-Doen Invests $1m in Cambodian Entrepreneur Building (CEB) Microfinance Institution

Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP)  reported Triodos-Doen, a partnership between Triodos Bank of the Netherlands and the Doen Foundation, invested USD 1 million  in loans in Cambodian Entrepreneur Building (CEB) microfinance institution on December 12, 2007. Triodos-Doen has been a shareholder of CEB since 2006 when they initially invested USD 500,000 in equity followed by a USD 3 million loan.                     

Cambodian Entrepreneur Building Limited (CEB) is a microfinance institution established in 1995 under the name Cambodian Community Building (CCB) as a non-profit organization originally offering financial services and health education to the poor. CEB was licensed as a microfinance institution by the National Bank of Cambodia in 2003. Currently focusing on female entrepreneurs in rural and urban areas, CEB offers group loans, individual loans and flexible savings services.  

From 2005 to 2006, CEB’s loan portfolio increased from USD 6.3 million to USD 12.3 million and continues to grow at an increasingly rapid rate. According to the Cambodia Microfinance Association (CMA), CEB currently has a 14 percent market share in Cambodia’s microfinance sector.

With an external board member representing the fund on the board of directors, Triodos-Doen plans to aid CEB in the development of a strong organizational infrastructure to support their rapid growth.  

Formed in 1994, the Triodos-Doen Foundation invests in microfinance institutions in the form of loans and equity investments. Triodos-Doen has also invested in two other Cambodian microfinance institutions: AMRET Limited and ACLEDA Bank , Cambodia’s largest microfinance institution. The fund aims to make financial services accessible to the poor, investing globally in microfinance institutions.  

By Melissa Duscha  

Additional Resources: 

Cambodian Entrepreneur Building Limited (CEB): http://www.cebltd.com.kh/ 

CEB Mix Market Profile: http://www.mixmarket.org/en/demand/demand.show.profile.asp?token=&ett=1543 

Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) list of recent transactions: http://cgap.org/mcm/files/RecentTransactions_Dec2007.html 

Doen Foundation: http://www.doen.nl/web/show/id=44942 

Mix Market profile for Triodos-Doen: http://www.mixmarket.org/en/supply/supply.show.profile.asp?ett=179 

National Bank of Cambodia: http://www.nbc.org.kh/index.asp

Triodos Bank: http://www.triodos.com/

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