MICROFINANCE EVENT: 2nd Microfinance & Sustainable Development Summit on January 25-27, 2010 in New York City

Event Name: 2nd Microfinance & Sustainable Development Summit

Event Description: The 2nd Microfinance & Sustainable Development Summit will focus on the emerging opportunities of impact investing for investors looking for financial returns as well as social benefits. The event will discuss issues such as distribution channels and models for reaching the poor, profitable microfinance and social enterprise investments, mitigating risk for investments in emerging markets, innovative debt and equity structures, and more.

Event Date/Time: January 25-27, 2010: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Event Location: Venue to be confirmed, New York City, NY

Event Website: http://www.microfinanceconference.com/Event.aspx?id=220302

Event Registration: https://secure.iqpc.com/SRS2k.dll/DelegateEdit?del_guid={2FA94483-4F92-4962-A399-FF6663FFB713}

Event Organizer: Microfinance Club of New York and the Wall Street Microfinance Alliance

Description of Organizers:

The Microfinance Club of New York, founded in 2003, puts on a variety of events covering important topics in microfinance throughout the year, including panel discussions, presentations, and informal roundtable discussions. (www.mfcny.org)

Wall Street Microfinance Alliance includes individuals from the financial sector that aim to bridge microfinance with capital markets. The group intends to capitalize on innovating financial products and making them available to the poor. (www.wallstreetmicrofinance.org)

Featured Speakers: For full list of featured speakers, visit: http://www.microfinanceconference.com/Event.aspx?id=220294

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