MICROFINANCE EVENT: AITEC Africa to host 3 day event in Lagos, Nigeria on Banking and Payment Technologies, including Microfinance

Banking & Payment Technologies West Africa, Lagos, Nigeria, 4-6 May 2009

See Our Comprehensive Event Calendar Here:  http://microfinanceassociation.ning.com/events

Cost: USD 650 3-day main conference (includes lunch, refreshments, cocktail party, presentations and training materials). Multiple delegates from the same organization receive a discount of 5% (2, 3 or 4 delegates) and 10% (5 or more delegates).  

Summary of Event: The conference will highlight technologies used by pioneering organizations in the financial services industry, including microfinance organizations, to reduce costs and reach new customers.

Background on Organizer: Advancing Internet, Computing and Telecommunications (ICT) Knowledge in Africa (AITEC) Africa is an event management, ICT publishing, professional development and training firm with offices in Kenya and the UK.  Since 1987 its goal has been to spread knowledge on the internet, computing and telecommunications across parts of English-speaking Africa.

Background on Other Organizations Involved:

Enhancing Financial Innovation & Access (EFINA) aims to make the Nigerian financial system work better, particularly for the poor. EFINA is a non-governmental organization (NGO) whose role is to provide financial institutions and regulators with information that can be used to develop products and services that will cater to the needs of the poor in Nigeria. It was set up in late 2007 through funding by the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) and the Ford Foundation. MicroCapital covered the announcement of funding for EFINA.

The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) Project which is a joint pilot of the Federal Government of Nigeria and the World Bank.  The total cost of this project is USD 60 million for the period December 2003 to June 2010. The main objective of the project is to increase the performance and employment levels of MSMEs in non-oil industry sectors and in three targeted states of the Nigeria.  The project will achieve its objectives by improving the capacity of local intermediaries to deliver financial and non-financial services.

The Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP), dedicated to advancing financial access for the world’s poor.  CGAP is housed within the World Bank and is an independent policy and research center.

Event Themes and Discussion Topics:

The overall theme of the conference is ‘Serving the customer through payment technologies’

Session 1: Overview of branchless banking: potential for access to finance; Regulatory framework of branchless banking

Session 2: International experience with branchless banking

Session 3: Nigerian experience with branchless banking

Session 4: Linking MFIs, Banks and Payment Providers

Session 5: Keynote speakers on Building a secure infrastructure and New e-channels for successful microfinance banking

Session 6: Tools for effective management

Session 7: Mobile – a new paradigm for the region

Session 8: Security Strategy

Session 9: Selecting the right payment technologies

Session 10: Software testing & trends; Panel discussion: Balancing risk and innovation in banks.

Who Is Invited to Attend:

Information System Managers and Chief Executive Officers of Banks and MFIs, Bank Customers, Technology Manufacturers and Vendors

About the Presenters:

Keynote Speakers:

Dr Raghavan Kunigahalli, Senior Vice-President & CTO, SBA Technologies, USA

Georg Roider, CEO, Probanx Information Systems, Cyprus

For more information about these and other speakers click here:

Online Registration Address: https://www.aitecafrica.com/event/registration/13

For additional information, please contact: 

Telephone/Location: +44 (0)1480 880774, UK

Email: info@aitecafrica.com

Submit Your Event: http://microfinanceassociation.ning.com/events


Event Type: Conference

Event Starts (time and day): 9am Monday 4 May 2009

Event Ends (time and day): 5pm Wednesday 6 May 2009

Location: Muson Center

Street: 8/9 Marina, Onikan

City/Town: Lagos, Nigeria

Website: https://www.aitecafrica.com/event/registration/13

Phone: +44 (0)1480 880774

Organized By: AITEC Africa


By Sally Levy, Research Assistant

Additional Resources:

Advancing Internet, Computing and Telecommunications (ICT) Knowledge in Africa (AITEC): Home

Enhancing Financial Innovation & Access (EFINA): Home

The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME): Home

The Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP): Home



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