MICROFINANCE EVENT: Fundamentals and Methodologies of Microfinance Training offered by Social Enterprise Development Partnerships, Inc. (SEDPI)

Fundamentals and Methodologies of Microfinance Training, September 14-16, 2009, at Tacloban City, Philippines, presented by the Social Enterprise Development Partnerships, Inc. (SEDPI) and sponsored by the Social Enterprise Development Partnerships, Inc. (SEDPI) and Ateneo de Manila University.

 September 14-16, 2009, at Tacloban City, Philippines.

 See Our Comprehensive Event Calendar Here: http://microfinanceassociation.ning.com/events

Costs: Foreign nationals: USD 200 dollars; Filipinos: PhP 3,500 (Approximately USD 75 dollars)

Summary of event:  The program offers more than the basics of microfinance. It introduces the concept of the microfinance triad: savings, loans and investments. The course provides the characteristics of microfinance clients and determines the impact of microfinance to poor. Actual impact assessment results will be shared during the course. It offers a deeper understanding of the fundamentals and principles of microfinance coupled with an appreciation of various microfinance methodologies – group/solidarity lending, village banking and individual lending.  It also tackles traditional and innovative microfinance products and services – loans, savings, microinsurance and remittances. The course will end with a discussion on challenges, issues, trends and future opportunities in the microfinance industry.

Background of the Sponsors:

Social Enterprise Development Partnerships, Inc. (SEDPI): SEDPI was established July 2004 as a private organization composed of social entrepreneurs previously employed in non-government organizations.  SEDPI provides management services for microfinance institutions and microenterprises.  SEDPI increased its number of development organizations reached from 502 in 2007 to 985. Cumulatively, SEDPI was able to reach out to 400 rural banks, 275 NGOs, 76 cooperatives and 234 other development organizations.  The organization still maintains its positioning of reaching out to small and medium microfinance institutions (those with less than 400 million in portfolio) which comprise 88% of the total outreach according to the company.

Ateneo de Manila University: The Ateneo de Manila University began in 1859 when Spanish Jesuits established the Escuela Municipal de Manila, a public primary school established in Intramuros for the city of Manila. The Padre Faura campus was eventually closed in 1976. A year later, the University opened a new campus for its professional schools in Salcedo Village, in the business district of Makati.  In October 1998, the University completed construction of a bigger site of the Ateneo Professional Schools at Rockwell, also in Makati.  The university seeks to preserve, extend, and communicate truth and apply it to human development and the preservation of the environment.  Ateneo offers undergraduate and graduate programs.

Key Event Themes:

  • Financial Analysis – the primary focus is the method for adjusting financial statements to account for subsidies, donations, inflation and adequate loan loss provisioning. International, local and best practice financial standards are used to determine the quality of the financial performance. These include the PEARLS Monitoring System, COOP-PESOS, EAGLE, Microfinance Standards to all Types of Philippine MFIs, and CAMELS Rating System. Areas for financial analysis include efficiency, portfolio quality, profitability and financial structure.
  • Market-Based Financial Product Design and Development – The course extends the whole process of product design and development that involves assembling the product development team, design process, product costing and pricing, pilot testing, product launch and commercialization.
  • Delinquency Management – The delinquency management course emphasizes both preventive and curative strategies. Preventive delinquency management strategies include financial shields or prudent financial management practices, growth strategy and delinquency prevention techniques in microfinance methodologies. Curative delinquency management strategies include prioritizing delinquency management measures, remedial management and litigation, crafting incentives system to reduce delinquency, establishing the delinquency task force, loan administration strategies to delinquency management and crafting delinquency management plan.
  • Fundamental and Methodologies of Microfinance – It introduces the concept of the microfinance triad – savings, loans and investments and offers a deeper understanding of the fundamentals and principles of microfinance coupled with an appreciation of various microfinance methodologies – Group/Solidarity Lending, Village Banking and Individual Lending.

Who is invited to attend: Everyone

Online Registration:  Please click here.

Important Dates: Monday, September 14, 2009 through Wednesday, September 16, 2009 Tacloban City, Philippines

Submit Your Event: http://microfinanceassociation.ning.com/events

Event Type: Training

Event Starts: September 14, 2009

Event Ends: September 16, 2009

Location: Tacloban City, Philippines

Contact information: Please contact Melissa Reyes (+63-24-265659) for additional details regarding the site location.

Contact Name:

Melissa Reyes





Organized by: Melissa Reyes


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