MICROFINANCE EVENT: Inclusive Finance India; December 11 – 12, 2018; New Delhi, India

The goal of Inclusive Finance India 2018 is to present a global perspective on topics such as “financial inclusion policy, regulation, supervision, technology advancements, client protection and institutional framework.” Although this year’s agenda is not yet available, last year’s event included sessions titled “Digital Financial Services and Use of Data: Customer Level Risks and Regulations;” “Up-scaling Micro & Small Enterprise Financing: Fixing the Missing Middle Impasse;” and “Prone to Multitude of Risks: What’s the Ability of MFI sector to manage these?”.

Background on Organizers: The goal of Access is to enable poor people to have access to finance, information and resources. Through its Microfinance Alliance Platform, it has worked “to facilitate on-lending fund flows” for 130 microfinance institutions reaching 3.9 million clients. Access’s partners in producing Inclusive Finance India include Accion, HSBC, Mastercard, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Cost: The cost to attend is INR 12,500 for domestic attendees and USD 550 for those from other countries. Discounts are available to students, groups of 4 or more, and various other categories of attendees.

Event webpage: https://inclusivefinanceindia.org/

For additional information, you may email inclusivefinance[at]accessassist.org or call + 91 11 48787500 or +91 11 48787524.

By Michelle Fleming, Research Associate

Sources and Additional Resources

Inclusive Finance India event page

Access homepage

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