MICROFINANCE EVENT: Making Cents International Offers of a New Course Entitled “Youth Financial Services: Implementing Good Practices in the Field” March 2nd-5th in Washington, DC

Making Cents International “Youth Financial Services: Implementing Good Practices in the Field”

March 2nd – 5th, 2009, Washington, DC, USA


Making Cents International is a specialized consulting and training firm based in Washington, DC that equips youth and adults with the vision and skills to create and grow their own businesses. Its new course intends to provide an overview of both the importance of youth financial services and emerging practices in the field. It will also provide practitioners and others with the knowledge, skills, and tools to take action and design financial service interventions directly or in partnership with other complementary organizations. The course registration fee is 695 USD per person for the four-day course. Please click here for a detailed agenda.

The course will include video presentations, hands-on experience conducting market research, and case studies presented by: Save the Children, a non-profit organization working to create positive change for disadvantaged children in the United States and 41 other nations, Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC), one of the world’s largest non-governmental development organizations, Pro Mujer, a non-profit microfinance organization working to improve the living conditions of poor women and their families in Latin America, and the Zakoura Foundation, a non-governmental organization aiming to improve conditions for the rural poor of Morocco, amongst others.

Objectives of the Course

  • Discuss the relevance of youth financial services
  • Review different market research approaches and practice conducting youth friendly market research
  • Discuss the importance of the holistic package of services that youth require
  • Review diverse financial products and services offered to youth
  • Develop a list of critical success factors that should be in place to maximize youth financial services
  • Develop an action plan


  • Lillian Diaz is a master trainer for the Global Financial Education Program and has trained over 35 organizations in Asia since 2006. She also has recently facilitated a microfinance peer learning event in Brussels for the European Union’s ACP Microfinance Program which brought together 33 microfinance participants from Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific region. Additionally, Ms. Diaz was a Microenterprise Development Advisor at USAID’s Office of Microenterprise Development, where she provided technical guidance to both microfinance and value chain development projects from 2000-2004.
  • Fiona Macaulay is the Founder and President of Making Cents International. An experienced curriculum developer and facilitator, Fiona works closely withorganizations globally to strengthen their capacity to offer quality programming to youth and small business people. Fiona is the initiator of the Global Youth Enterprise Conference, a founding member of the International Development Effectiveness Alliance (IDEA), and on the board of the Campaign for Female Education USA Foundation (CAMFED).

Who should attend?

  • Youth serving organizations (YSO) managers
  • Managers of microfinance institutions (MFIs)
  • Technical assistance providers who support YSOs and MFIs

To register, go to http://www.makingcents.com/news/youth_financial_services.php#agenda.

If you have questions, or require additional information on the course, please contact by email at: Lillian@makingcents.com or by telephone: +1 (202) 783-4090.    

By Yanni Hao

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