MICROFINANCE EVENT: Microfinance Investment Summit 2010 in Geneva

Event Name: Microfinance Investment Summit

Event Date: March 10 – March 11, 2010 with pre-conference workshops on March 9, 2010

Event Location: Geneva, Switzerland

Event Website: http://www.microfinancesummit.com/

See Our Comprehensive Event Calendar Here: http://microfinanceassociation.ning.com/events

Cost: GBP 1199 – GBP 2198 (USD 1880 – USD 3450) depending on the affiliation of the attendee and the number of workshops in which the attendee wishes to participate

Summary of Event: The two-day conference will deal with pressing issues in the microfinance industry. Preceding the conference will be two workshops, one dealing with foreign exchange and interest risk and the other dealing with the establishment of a microfinance institution.

Background on Organizer: C5 is a British think tank that monitors “trends and development in all major industry sectors, the law, and emerging markets.” The organization is based in London but holds conferences in various locations in Europe [1].

Event Themes and Discussion Topics:

The event will cover pressing industry concerns. Participants will have the ability to network with important players in the microfinance industry including investors, funds, banks, and microfinance institutions. Two workshops are scheduled to take place on March 9, 2010, the day before the conference is scheduled to begin. The first workshop will cover new approaches for managing foreign exchange and interest risk and the second will discuss how to set up and manage a microfinance fund.

Who Is Invited to Attend:

Institutional investors

Socially responsible investors, equity investments funds and venture capitalists

Investment banks, hedge funds, investment and asset management

Microfinance institutions, microfinance networks

Consultants, accountants and legal advisors

About the Presenters:

More than fourty speakers including

Xavier Reille Lead Microfinance Specialist, CGAP

Jack Lowe, Chairman and Founding Partner, Avenir investments (former CEO BlueOrchard)

Gabriel Solorzano Chairman of the Board BANEX

Mathias Katamba, CEO, Uganda Finance Trust

Ganhuyag Ch. Hutagt, Founding CEO, Xac Bank and CEO TenGer Financial Group

Damian Von Stauffenberg, Founder and Principal, MIcrorate

Online Registration Address: https://transactions.c5groupinc.com/event_reg.php?conf=2277&site=4&lang=en&gap=5

For additional information, please contact:

Contact Name: Jonathan Price

Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7878 6907

Email: j.price@C5-Online.com


[1] “C5 (UK) – About Us.” http://www.c5-online.com/about_c5.htm

Additional Links:

Information on C5’s Second Annual Microfinance Investment Summit in October 2009: http://microfinanceassociation.ning.com/xn/detail/3164258:Event:3161

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