MICROFINANCE EVENT: Plan International’s Youth Microfinance Project Hosts “Investing in African Youth: Making Financial Services and Training Work”, Dakar, Senegal, May 21-22, 2012

Event Name: Inclusive Financial Innovation: Making Finance and Insurance Markets Work for the Poor

Event Date: May 21 to May 22, 2012

Event Location: Hotel Pullman Dakar Teranga, Dakar, Senegal

See Our Comprehensive Event Calendar Here: http://microfinanceassociation.ning.com/events

Cost: Registration fees for the conference are: CAD 200 (USD 201) for international participants, CAD 50 (USD 50) for West African organizations and nationals, and free for Youth Scholarship recipients. West African youth between 18 and 25 years of age may request scholarship applications by contacting Plan at conference[at]plan-international.org. The deadline for scholarship applications is March 31, 2012.

Summary of Event: With three main themes, youth financial services, youth empowerment and gender equality, this conference provides academics, researchers, microfinance practitioners and other interested parties with opportunities to share experiences and promote best practices. The conference is hosted by Plan International’s Youth Microfinance Project.

Background on Organizer: Plan International is a UK-based non-governmental children’s development organization that was founded in 1937. Plan works in 50 developing countries across Africa, Asia and the Americas with the goal of promoting child rights and lifting children out of poverty. As of June 30, 2010, Plan International reported total assets of EUR 317 million (USD 413 million) with an annual net income of EUR 79 million (USD 103 million).

Event Website: http://www.2012mfconference.com

For additional information, you may contact Plan International via email at conference[at]plan-international.org or by phone at + 1 416 920 1654.

Submit Your Event: http://microfinanceassociation.ning.com/events

By Courtney Snelling, Research Associate

Sources and Additional Resources:

Information provided to MicroCapital by Plan International.

MicroCapital.org Article, February 16, 2012, “MICROFINANCE EVENT: Making Cents International Hosts 2012 Global Youth Economic Opportunities Conference, September 11-13, 2012, Inter-American Development Bank’s Conference Center, Washington, DC”, https://www.microcapital.org/microfinance-event-making-cents-internationa

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