MICROFINANCE EVENT: USAID, MicroFinance Network, Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) to Host Online Discussion of Microfinance Institution Staff Incentive Schemes



This an online and email-based discussion of best practices in staff incentive schemes (SIS), which can play a key role in microfinance institutions’ (MFIs’) human resources strategies. A worldwide survey on the use of staff incentives conducted by the MicroFinance Network (MFN) and the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) will be discussed. Co-hosted by the MFN and CGAP, the discussion will be moderated by Mattias Grammling, Martin Holtmann and Martha Ottenbacher. Different topics will be discussed each day:

  • April 15 – Effectiveness and efficiency of Staff Incentive Schemes. We will discuss the main features of efficient staff incentive schemes: How much should we pay as incentive? What types of incentive schemes are most efficient? What are the factors to consider and how to make it work?
  • April 16 – Staff incentives for different functional levels of staff. The success of staff incentive schemes largely depends on an accurate performance measurement, but how to assess the performance of credit officers, tellers, branch managers, accountants, and others? Should you have SIS for staff whose individual achievements cannot be measured? How to incentivise savings mobilisation or insurances? How can we design a comprehensive remuneration system that is fair to all positions?
  • April 17 – Social performance dimensions in SIS. Although MFIs have a “double bottom line”, staff incentives are typically designed to improve efficiency and profitability. Considering the growing interest in balancing social and financial goals, it is surprising that social performance indicators are not yet widely used in staff incentive schemes. Is it necessary to employ social performance measurement indicators in staff incentive schemes in order to achieve social goals? Which social indicators should be used to reward staff?

The US Agency for International Development hosts Speaker’s Corners each month. Registration is free and can be completed at the event website. Questions can be directed to speakerscorner@microlinks.org or +1 202 712 4810.

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