MICROFINANCE PAPER WRAP-UP: “Global Outreach & Financial Performance Benchmark Report – 2017-2018;” By Mohita Khamar, MIX

By Mohita Khamar and the Microfinance Information Exchange (MIX) operations team; published by MIX; May 2019; 42 pages; available at https://www.themix.org/mixmarket/publications/global-outreach-and-financial-performance-benchmark-report-2017-2018

This report presents outreach and financial performance data provided to MIX by 762 financial service providers (FSPs) worldwide for FY2017. Year-on-year analysis of the data shows an increase in gross loan portfolio to USD 112 billion from USD 96.6 billion in FY2016 and an increase in active borrowers to 120 million from 115 million in FY2016.

These increases occurred despite a decline in the number of FSP offices to 51,000 from 55,000 in FY2016. The authors attribute this to FSPs “adopt[ing] new methods for product and service delivery” such as the use of “agents, ATMs [automated teller machines] and merchant points-of-sale.”

Though observing an overall positive growth trend, the authors identify regional variations that they attribute to challenges relating to local regulation, politics and economic conditions. As examples, the authors cite “the impact of inflation rates in Nigeria and the interest rate cap and election cycle in Kenya [driving] a decline in the value of the gross loan portfolio for the Africa region” and “the Eastern European and Central Asia region [grappling] with the lingering effects of the economic crisis in 2015… [contributing] to slowed growth…”.

By Jolene Khor, Research Associate

Sources and Additional Resources

MIX report: “Global Outreach & Financial Performance Benchmark Report – 2017-2018”

MIX report: “Global Outreach & Financial Performance Benchmark Report – 2016”

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