NEWS WIRE: Peru: International Finance Corporation (IFC) And Wachovia Arrange $40m Package For Microfinance Institution Mibanco

Source: Business News Americas.

Original article available here.

SANTIAGO, December 13 – IFC and Wachovia Capital Markets, a unit of Wachovia (NYSE: WB), have co-arranged a US$40mn syndicated financing agreement for Peru’s Mibanco, IFC said in a press release.

The loan will allow Mibanco to offer longer loan maturities to its microenterprise clients and reach more customers in rural areas. The transaction is the first international syndication for a microfinance institution in Latin America, IFC said.

Originally structured as a USD 30 million loan, the syndication was oversubscribed by USD 18 million and attracted 10 participant banks with Wachovia Bank, Bancolombia (NYSE: CIB), HSBC (NYSE: HBC), Natixis, Rabobank and State Bank of India acting as lead arrangers with USD 5 million shares.

Co-arrangers with USD 3 million shares include Israel Discount Bank, Republic Bank and WGZ Bank, while Minlam Asset Management, a microfinance-focused fund, participated with USD 1.5 million.

In June 2007, IFC became a shareholder in Mibanco with a 6.5% equity stake.

Mibanco has provided more than 2 million loans to low-income individuals and small businesses in Peru, many of who had little or no prior access to formal credit institutions.

Mibanco is the country’s largest provider of microfinance loans by number of clients served and the second largest in terms of loan volume. As of September 30, the bank reported a 14.2% market share with total assets of over USD 512 million and net worth of USD 59 million.

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