NEWS WIRE: United States: MicroPlace Launches “Small change. Big change.” Campaign to Recruit Retail Microfinance Investors

Source: Business Wire.

Original article available here.

SAN JOSE, UNITED STATES, June 2 – MicroPlace, an online brokerage specializing in socially responsible investments that address poverty, today announced the launch of “Small change. Big change.” The goal of this nationwide campaign is to build awareness about the power of microfinance and offer a tangible and easy way for people to invest in the world’s working poor.

Through the campaign, everyday people can team up with friends and family to make investments that earn a financial return and help address global poverty by raising funds for global microfinance institutions that provide loans to the world’s working poor.

According to Coinstar, the average American household has about USD 100 in spare change around the house. A USD 100 loan is often all it takes for a poor person to work her way out of poverty, and often represents nearly two months of income. With the loan and extra income, a microfinance entrepreneur can buy supplies or equipment to help start a new business or grow an existing business.

“If you are like most people, your nickels and quarters go unnoticed and collect dust in a jar or pot. We have launched the ‘Small change. Big change.’ campaign as a way for people to take that small change and make big change by addressing global poverty,” said Tracey Turner, founder and general manager of MicroPlace. “Imagine the impact you can make in the lives of hardworking poor people around the world, just by using your small change.”

To encourage investors to ask their friends to join them in making a difference, MicroPlace will offer uniquely handcrafted artisan piggy banks from Chile to groups of investors who invest at least USD 500. The more people who invest, the more funds are available to lend to more poor entrepreneurs.

Investors can track their impact and the impact of their friends on the campaign website, They can read stories from the people receiving loans and can track how many loans they are enabling to the world’s working poor. “Small change. Big change.” hopes to build a community of socially responsible people who are making a difference through investments that address poverty while earning a financial return.

Microfinance empowers the working poor to help themselves through small business loans and is an effective way to address global poverty. Approximately 84 percent of microfinance borrowers are women and repayment rates historically average more than 97 percent.

“Working directly with microfinance borrowers, we have seen firsthand what an incredible impact a USD 100 investment can make in the life and livelihood of a hardworking person; the success stories are endless,” said Terry Provance, Executive Director of Oikocredit USA, an issuer on MicroPlace. “The Small change. Big change. campaign will help make microfinance investing accessible to the everyday person so anyone can have a hand in addressing a major social issue that affects literally billions of people around the globe.”

There are over 1 billion people who survive on less than USD 2 per day. While these hardworking poor people could benefit from microfinance services, only 10 percent have access to these services today. “Small change. Big change.” investors can have a direct impact on the working poor, and in a way that honors their dignity and hardworking nature. Through “Small change. Big change.” people can invest, watch their small change make big social change, and help the working poor around the world.

MicroPlace, launched in 2007, is the world’s first and only online brokerage specializing in socially responsible investments that alleviate poverty. MicroPlace enables everyday people to make investments that earn a return while empowering the poor to work their way out of poverty. Investment dollars are used to provide microfinance loans to the world’s working poor. Unlike charity, investing in MicroPlace offers a rate of return and allows the investor to align their social values with their investment wallet. MicroPlace is a wholly-owned subsidiary of eBay Inc.

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