SPECIAL REPORT: e-MFP Green Inclusive and Climate Smart Finance Action Group Focuses on Capacity Building

e-MFP logoDuring the opening day of European Microfinance Week today, roughly 75 members and potential members of the Green Inclusive and Climate Smart Finance Action Group met in-person in Luxembourg – and remotely – to discuss strategies for increasing access to finance that helps people with low incomes to adjust to and reduce climate change. Co-chair Natalia Realpe Carrillo argued, “This is not something extra; this responsible finance!” She went on to describe the Action Group’s work to: publish a glossary of terms for those just getting started in green lending; offer seven related training modules; continue an ongoing webinar series, which is also available on-demand; publish

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Fusion Microfinance Borrows $4m from Crédit Agricole CIB for Group Lending to Rural, Women-owned Businesses in India, Guaranteed by GCA Foundation

Fusion Microfinance, an India-based microfinance institution (MFI), recently borrowed local currency approximately equivalent to USD 4.4 million from Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank (CIB) India, a unit of France-based Crédit Agricole. The loan, which is guaranteed by the Luxembourg-based Grameen Crédit Agricole (GCA) Foundation, is for

SPECIAL REPORT: “Capital in the Age of COVID” at European Microfinance Week

European Microfinance PlatformAt this presentation on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on financial inclusion, which was subtitled “Navigating the Uncharted Sea of Insolvency,” Lucia Spaggiari of MFR (formerly known as Microfinanza Rating) predicted that the solvency challenges brought on – or simply exacerbated – by the pandemic may haunt institutions for the next 10 years. Although she described the solvency challenges of 2020 as “not drastic,” 22 percent of financial services providers (FSPs) in her dataset still significant solvency risk. Ms Spaggiari believes this may increase to as high as 34 percent over the next two years.

As for the potential effects on clients, there are clusters of greater risk among: FSPs in sub-Saharan Africa, where 17 percent of institutions are in danger; smaller FSPs, those with assets under USD 10 million; FSPs with

SPECIAL REPORT: Private, Public Funders on Green Microfinance, Climate Adaptation, Biodiversity

European Microfinance PlatformToday, at the first plenary of European Microfinance Week 2021, climate adaptation was the hot topic – in contrast to climate mitigation, which is more of a preventative measure. The panelists argued that the scale of funding for climate adaptation is much too small and that many of those most in need still lack access to funding. These groups include smallholder farmers, women, youth and members of indigenous groups. Meanwhile, financial services providers (FSPs) are reporting that

SPECIAL REPORT: SIDI Credits the SAM Investors’ Fair with Seeding Partnerships with Emerging MFIs in Burundi, Ethiopia, Mozambique

During the SAM (Semaine Africaine de la Microfinance – African Micro­­finance Week in French) in October, the 2021 Investors’ Fair will build on the 2019 Investors’ Fair, during which 120 microfinance institu­tions (MFIs) and 24 investors met in over 500 “speed-dating” sessions to explore whether they might be compatible partners. Of the MFIs, which represented 24 countries, about half were for-profit firms, and about half were organized as cooperatives or NGOs.

At the 2019 event, Altemius Millinga, the Managing Director of Tanzania’s Yetu Microfinance Bank, told MicroCapital that the Investors’ Fair “was the best part of the SAM because I was able to interact with investors, while at the same time sharing experiences immediately with other MFIs. The SAM gave me the opportunity to meet investors and make several preliminary proposals on funding; it was surely worth the investment!”

FEFISOL, an Africa-focused fund launched by SIDI, has had a presence at all four of the SAM Investors’ Fairs to date, and its repre­sentatives will return this year. The CEO of SIDI, Dominique Lesaffre, reports that his institution has leveraged the Investors’ Fair not only to develop relation­ships with “successful institutions such as Centenary Bank in Uganda or Kafo Jiguinew in Mali – with their massive social-financial outreach – but also with emerging MFIs such as Microbanco Confiança of Mozam­bique, Ishaka of Burundi and Buusaa Gonofaa of Ethiopia.”

Edmund Higenbottam, the Managing Director of Verdant Capital, also

SPECIAL REPORT: Online Event; COVID-19 Surveys: Better Understanding the Impact on MFIs and Their Clients to Better Act; June 9, 2021

Two Midi de la MicrofinanceLuxembourg-based NGOs, ADA Microfinance and Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation, along with Belgium-based Inpulse Investment Manager will present their analysis of the responses to five surveys they have conducted since 2020 regarding how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting microfinance institutions (MFIs). This event, part of the Midi de la Microfinance series, will offer “lessons learned” from the surveys, with the goal of helping MFIs improve the ways they prepare for and react to crises. Among the speakers will be Jacques Afetor, Director of Togo-based

SPECIAL REPORT: Resilience Among Microfinance Institutions? “Region of Crisis” Relatively Stable; “Moratorium Veil” Yet to Lift

As European Microfinance Platformpart of the opening day of European Microfinance Week, Mohammed Khaled of the World Bank Group’s International Finance Corporation stated that the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the microfinance sector in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) so far have not been as bad as was feared earlier in 2020. Most of the large microfinance institutions (MFIs) in the region have maintained 30-day portfolio-at-risk (PAR) ratios below 4 percent. Mr Khaled said, “Among leading MFIs, PAR did not rise as high as expected. We thought [it might rise to] 10 percent to 20 percent, but many MFIs have kept things under control.” Part of the reason for this, he believes is that “this is

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: ADA Microfinance Launching 10-year “Smallholder Safety Net” Program Targeting Agricultural Value Chains, 3m Households; Partnering with 5 Impact Investors

ADA Microfinance, a Luxembourg-based NGO, recently announced a new program called the Smallholder Safety Net Upscaling Programme (SSNUP) to assist: (1) smallholder farmers in accessing insurance and implementing agricultural practices that increase productivity in a “climate-smart” manner; (2) actors in agricultural value chains in adopting “more sustainable environmental and social business practices;” and (3) boosting investment in agricultural value chains. The investors Grameen Credit Agricole Foundation, Incofin, Oikocredit, responsAbility and Symbiotics have agreed to participate by

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: 26 Inclusive Finance Players Pledge to Support Microfinance Institutions (MFIs), Clients Throughout Pandemic

At the initiative of the Luxembourg-based Grameen Crédit Agricole (GCA) Foundation, microfinance lenders and other operators in the inclusive finance sector have agreed to a set of “Key Principles to Protect Microfinance Institutions and Their Clients in the COVID-19 Crisis.” The commitment involves measures including: operating in a customer-centric manner, protecting staff members, sharing

SPECIAL REPORT: e-MFP Investors Action Group Wrestles with Measuring Microfinance Client Outcomes in Alignment with UN’s SDGs

Members European Microfinance Platformof the European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP) Investors Action Group met at last week’s European Microfinance Week to review their progress on developing methods for reporting client outcomes in terms of meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Cécile Lapenu from Cerise explained that the action group is working to: (1) identify investors’ expectations regarding reporting on outcomes; (2) review existing impact reports and websites to identify the metrics now in use; (3) conduct field tests of selected indicators; and (4) document the results to serve as guidance for moving forward.

The group is now soliciting data from investors on their current data collection practices. This includes if and how they collect data from: (1) the financial services providers (FSPs) they invest in; and (2) directly from those FSPs’ clients.

Ms Lapenu argued that factors such as client satisfaction do not

MICROFINANCE PAPER WRAP-UP: “Microfinance Barometer 2019,” Published by Convergences

Published by Convergences in partnership with the Advans Group, BNP Paribas, the European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP) and the Grameen Credit Agricole Foundation; October 2019; 16 pages; available at http://www.convergences.org/en/104906-2/

This tenth edition of the “Microfinance Barometer” offers insights into the microfinance sector garnered through interviews, case studies and a review of data from the Microfinance Information Exchange (MIX). The publication explores trends in the sector over

SPECIAL REPORT: At SAM, Meeting the SDGs by Decreasing Hunger, Increasing Digital Access, Embracing Change to Modernize Microfinance in Africa

On SAM 2019the second day of this week’s SAM conference in Burkina Faso, Mathieu Soglonou of the UN Capital Development Fund commented on several of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a session on the “State of the Inclusive Finance Sector and Its Contributions to Development in Africa.” Despite general progress toward the SDGs, Mr Soglonou noted that there have been setbacks in SDG 2, “Zero Hunger.” The number of people living with hunger has increased by 800 million due to problems such as extreme weather, war, and difficulties with the storage and distribution of agricultural products. Mr Soglonou noted that one challenge in reducing hunger is that lenders tend to

MICROFINANCE EVENT: SAM (Semaine Africaine de la Microfinance / African Microfinance Week); October 21 – 25, 2019; Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

The SAM 2019fourth SAM (Semaine Africaine de la Microfinance) includes five full days of trainings, conference sessions, an investors’ fair, an innovators’ village and research presentations, all on the theme “Pathways Towards Impact: African Inclusive Finance for the Sustainable Development Goals.” The training presenters are ADA, Amarante Consulting, Arendt, Banca Etica, BNP Paribas, BRS, Caritas Africa, Food and Agriculture Organization, Graine, Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation, the Microinsurance Network, MicroSave Consulting, Pamiga,

SPECIAL REPORT: SAM Facilitates Long-term Relationship Between Agora Microfinance Zambia, Triple Jump

Team members of Triple Jump, an SAM 2019impact-focused asset manager with offices in the Netherlands and Kenya, and Agora Microfinance Zambia (AMZ), a microfinance institution dedicated to serving low-income, rural households in Zambia, met for the first time at the Investors’ Fair at the 2017 SAM conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. During a speed-dating session, Triple Jump found AMZ to be an interesting prospect because of its

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: MCE Social Capital Funding $3.3m Loan from Yoma Bank to Proximity Finance for Microfinance in Myanmar

Myanmar-based Yoma Bank recently agreed to lend MMK 5 billion (USD 3.32 million) to Proximity Finance, a microfinance institution (MFI) operating in Myanmar. MCE Social Capital, a US-based NGO, is funding

SPECIAL REPORT: RUFI Crosses Border with Refugees from South Sudan, Opens Doors in Uganda; Breaking MFIs’ Stereotypes About Victims of Conflict – Insights from European Microfinance Week

Friday European Microfinance Platformat European Microfinance Week, Resi Janssen of Dutch NGO Cordaid described her institution’s Rural Finance Initiative (RUFI), which had been working in South Sudan when violence in 2016 caused most of its clients to flee to Uganda. With no license to accept deposits in Uganda, RUFI became an agent of Centenary Bank so it could continue to provide savings and other services to its customers – albeit in a different country – at a time of great need.

Not long after relocating, some of RUFI’s customers started asking how they could keep their children from being recruited as fighters. RUFI secured

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Green for Growth Fund (GGF) Loans $1.5m to Microfinance Organization Crystal of Georgia

The Green for Growth Fund (GGF), a Luxembourg-based lender to projects deemed beneficial to the environment, recently loaned USD 1.5 million to Joint Stock Company Microfinance Organization Crystal, a microfinance institution primarily serving microentrepreneurs and farmers in rural Georgia. Crystal plans to use the proceeds