MEET THE BOSS: Interview with Robert Annibale, Global Director of Citi Microfinance (Part One of a Two Part Series)

Bob Annibale is Global Director of Citi Microfinance. He leads the bank’s commercial relationships with microfinance institutions, on a multi-business and product basis, providing financing and product partnerships to institutions that serve the poor and the unbanked.

He joined Citibank in 1982. After a first assignment in Greece, he held a number of senior treasury, risk and corporate positions at Citi in Athens, Bahrain, Kenya, London and New York.  Mr. Annibale completed his BA degrees in History and Political Science at Vassar College and his Masters Degree in African Studies (History) at the University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies.

Mr. Annibale served on the Board of Advisors for the United Nations High Level Commission on Legal Empowerment of the Poor. He represents Citi on the Board of the Microfinance Information Exchange, on the Council of Microfinance Equity Funds and with the Microfinance Network. He also serves on a number of other external boards and councils.

MICROFINANCE EVENT: The 3rd Annual Global Microfinance Investment Congress 2010, presented by PlaNet Finance, May 24 – May 26, 2010 in New York City

The 3rd Annual Global Microfinance Investment Congress 2010, presented by PlaNet Finance, May 24 – May 26, 2010 in New York City

See Our Comprehensive Event Calendar Here:

MICROCAPITAL.ORG STORY: Social Fund For Development and UNDP Meet To Establish Microfinance Network In Yemen

It was recently reported in the Yemen Observer [1] that a microfinance network or trade association will be established in Yemen with a view to promoting best practices, good governance and accountability in the country’s growing microfinance sector. A meeting was held by the Social Fund for Development (SFD) [2] and the United Nation Development Program (UNDP) [3] to select the board of directors for the network and to deal with preliminary matters. The report in the Yemen Observer stated that the establishment of a microfinance network is ‘an integral part of the national strategy to develop the microfinance industry’ in Yemen and that the network will focus on providing the technical assistance, increasing the abilities of MFI officers as well as setting up and supporting a centre for exchanging information, experiences and techniques within the Yemeni microfinance industry.

MICROFINANCE PAPER WRAP-UP: Microfinance Banana Skins 2009: Confronting Crisis and Change by David Lascelles and Sam Mendelson

Written by David Lascelles and Sam Mendelson, released in June 2009 as publication number 85 of the Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation (CSFI), sponsored by Citi Foundation and the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP), 52 pages, available at:

MICROFINANCE EVENT: Global Microfinance Investment Congress Hosted by PlaNet Finance and American Conference Institute


MAY 19-20, 2009, NEW YORK, NEW YORK

Global Microfinance Investment Congress 2009 is being co-hosted by PlaNet Finance Group and American Conference Institute. The conference consists of workshops, case studies, and panels focused on the latest strategies for success in microfinance investing.

MICROCAPITAL STORY: Citigroup, the Foundation for Development Cooperation (FDC), and the Banking with the Poor Network (BWTP) Oversee Program to Advance Microfinance Partnerships in Indonesia

A three-day microfinance conference put on by Citigroup, a private financial services company, the Foundation for Development Cooperation (FDC), a not-for-profit international development organization, and the Banking with the Poor Network (BWTP), a not-for-profit regional microfinance network, wrapped up in Jakarta, Indonesia on September 7. This event is part of a USD 570,000 grant given by the Citi Foundation to the FDC and BWTP earlier this year with the purpose of expanding microfinance services across ten Asian countries during 2007 and 2008.