MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Mifos Microfinance Software Update “Vinolia I” Adds Accounting Module, Embedded Reports

The Community for Open Source Microfinance, a US-based nonprofit that has taken over leadership of maintaining the open-source microfinance software package Mifos from the US-based Grameen Foundation, recently announced the release of Mifos 2.4.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Fairtrade, Incofin Launch Fund Offering Long-Term Microloans Starting in Latin America

Fairtrade International, a nonprofit based in Bonn, Germany, in conjunction with Grameen Foundation, a US-based nonprofit,  and Incofin Investment Management, a Belgian for-profit microfinance investment manager, has launched the Fairtrade Access Fund, which will fund long-term loans to farmer to finance investments such as newer equipment.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Bangladesh Finance Minister: Management Structures in Microfinance Sector Too Dependent on Founders

Bangladesh Finance Minister A M A Muhith reportedly has urged microfinance institutions (MFIs) to adjust their management structures to ensure that the organizations do not destabilize due to the death of a founder.

MICROFINANCE EVENT: First Affirmative Financial Network Presents 23rd Annual “SRI Conference on Sustainable, Responsible, Impact Investing”, October 2 – 4, 2012, Uncasville, Connecticut, USA

Event Name: 2012 SRI Conference on Sustainable, Responsible, Impact Investing

Event Date: October 2 – October 4, 2012

Event Location: Mohegan Sun Conference Center, Uncasville, Connecticut, USA

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Kenyan Boma Project Certified on Grameen Foundation’s Progress out of Poverty Index

The Boma Project, a nonprofit organization in northern Kenya that aims to improve the ability of women to earn their own incomes, recently has become the first African organization to be certified by Grameen Foundation, a US-based nonprofit, on the Progress out of Poverty Index (PPI) Advanced Standards of Use.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Grameen Foundation India Launches Newest Version of Progress Out of Poverty Index

Grameen Foundation India, a subsidiary of the US-based Grameen Foundation that promotes access to microfinance and technological services, has launched an iteration of the Progress Out of Poverty Index (PPI), a tool that measures poverty levels of groups and individuals, for India.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: HSBC to Provide Technical Assistance to Microfinance Institutions in Middle East, North Africa in Partnership with Grameen-Jameel, Bankers without Borders

UK-based financial services company HSBC (formerly known as the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation), Dubai-based microfinance investor Grameen-Jameel and Bankers without Borders (BwB), a program of the US-based Grameen Foundation, are partnering to provide financial and technical expertise to microfinance institutions (MFIs) in the Middle East and North Africa.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Expresses Concern over Investigation of Bangladeshi Microfinance Institution Grameen Bank

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has expressed her support for Nobel Peace Laureate Dr Muhammad Yunus and urged the Bangladeshi government “not to undermine the independence of the Grameen Bank.”

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Bangladesh Government to Investigate NGOs, Microcredit Entities for Money Laundering

The Bangladeshi government reportedly intends to investigate the financial transactions of nongovernment organizations (NGOs) and microcredit entities operating in the country “to unearth any kind of money laundering.”

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Grameen-Jameel Loans $1.5m to Jordan Micro Credit Company (Tamweelcom)

Grameen-Jameel Microfinance Limited, a joint venture of the US-based Grameen Foundation and the UK-based Abdul Latif Jameel Foundation, reportedly has provided a loan of USD 1.5 million to the Jordan Micro Credit Company (Tamweelcom), a Jordan-based microfinance institution (MFI).

MICROFINANCE PAPER WRAP-UP: Credit is Not a Right; by By John Gershman and Jonathan Morduch; Published at the Financial Access Initiative (FAI) of New York University

By John Gershman and Jonathan Morduch, published by the Financial Access Initiative of New York University, April 2011, 9 pages, available at: http://www.microfinancegateway.org/gm/document-1.9.56804/Credit%20is%20not%20a%20right.pdf

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Mifos Microfinance Software Update, “Margaret H,” adds Lao, Georgian, Mobile Interface, Spreadsheet Capability, Cloud Functionality

The Community for Open Source Microfinance, a US-based nonprofit that has taken over leadership of maintaining the open-source microfinance software Mifos from the US-based Grameen Foundation, has released its first major upgrade since the transition [1].

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Grameen Foundation, USAID Issue $1m Guarantee to Microfinance Institution Proempresa of Peru

Grameen Foundation, a US-based nonprofit organization that aims to help microfinance institutions (MFIs) replicate Grameen Bank’s joint-liability lending model, and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), a government agency that provides economic and humanitarian assistance, have issued a USD 1 million joint guarantee to support Proempresa, a Peru-based MFI.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Grameen Foundation Spins Off Mifos Microfinance Institution Software to Open Source Community

Mifos is a software package used to manage the data of microfinance institutions. The software is “open-source” meaning that it is free of charge and can be edited to meet local needs.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Grameen America to Open Additional Branches in California, Michigan and Nebraska

Muhammad Yunus, founder of Grameen Bank of Bangladesh, has reportedly announced that Grameen America, a nonprofit microfinance institution (MFI) based in the US state of New York City, will open additional branches in California, Michigan and Nebraska.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Bangladeshi Microfinance No Longer Dominated by Group Loans to Women, Inflexible Product Lineup

The work of microfinance institutions (MFIs) in Bangladesh was originally dominated by the original model implemented by the Grameen Bank, an MFI founded in 1976 by Dr Muhammad Yunus.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Bangladeshi Government Reportedly Seeking Control of Grameen Bank “Empire”

The government of Bangladesh reportedly is taking steps to assert control over some of the 48 firms affiliated with Grameen Bank, a microfinance institution that was founded in Bangladesh in 1976 by Dr Muhammad Yunus.